Discussion: Ocasio-Cortez Rejects Pelosi’s Spin On Her Win: ‘It’s Not Just One District’

A young woman of color wins a Congressional nomination. Pelosi reacts defensively, with less than enthusiastic plaudits and absolutely zero comments she’d welcome more of the same.

Tepid support of a woman. Check.
Tepid support of a minority. Check.
Tepid support of fresh policy thoughts independent of the status quo. Check.
Bemoaning the loss of an old guard politician. Check.

Thanks, Nancy, for leading from the rear and the 1970s.


Its a good win for Ocasio-Cortez and it sounds like she’s a great candidate but I see Pelosi’s point: the makeup of the district was prime for her. One size district does not fit all. Someone like Steve King would not be able to win there.

Now if you want to talk about why she won and not Cowley, that’s a whole different story.

Not sure why media is trying to stir the pot here though. They must have found a new shiny.


I’m delighted this young woman won her race but she doesn’t know squat about being a congressperson yet. Throwing out all of the experienced war horses is a bad idea.


She is part of the problem. The old guard must give way.


Once they’ve trained the newbies perhaps.


I hope not.

Actually, that’s not what happened. She enthusiastically welcomed her, but that isn’t part of the Dems in Disarray media narrative.


Can you provide the link to where Pelosi welcomes her?


Once again, people mindlessly taking the GOP/MSM spin without question. Pelosi was not IN THE LEAST dismissive of her win. To wit: (compliments of ex-TPMer Greg Sargent)

Why is it that liberals get all huffy and snitty when they ought to KNOW the media mischaracterizes Pelosi regularly. Read the goddamned transcript and show me how “dismissive” it was?



Thanks for providing some context, cat.


Perhaps it is time for the Minority Leader to take a hike. The smart thing to do would have been to STFU. There was no need for Pelosi to comment and open a fissure in the Democratic Party. She’s not stupid so must know that a Progressive / Old Guard divide split in the Democratic party will serve it no better than the Freedom Caucus / Old Guard division in the GOP. What the leader of the Democratic party must do is work with Cortez and encourage her flock to do the same. Ocasio-Cortez is taking a seat in the House of Representatives because 1000’s of people wanted her there. The only path the Democrats have to get back on top is to work with each other and for those people. Get something done. Running off at the mouth and minimizing the first signs of change is not the way to do that.


We need more candidates just like her. Smart, enthusiastic, political but in a fresh and frankly palatable way. I’m so weary of the cynical, partisan, polarized crap we’ve been dealing with for so long now (and a big screw you out to Mitch McConnell for nurturing that awful brand of politicking).

So yeah, a few hundred more like her by 2020, please? Thanks!


Give a link can’t read this shit on a phone.

It was at her weekly presser. She is supposed to go hide from the press, now? Next week you’ll be beating her up for not getting out in front of the press. It’s HER FUCKING JOB to address the press every week and answer questions. :smirk:


Let’s not get distracted by the attempt to frame this as a big controversy. New blood will come simply because time passes and people get old. Part of party leadership is institutional knowledge of how the procedures work–give McConnell his due on that, and Pelosi too. Youthful energy and burning enthusiasm are vital as well. Ocasio-Cortez was right for her district, Conor Lamb was right for his. Can we please just put aside the grumbling for a few months and get this done? Just vote for the D, and then go back to feuding once we’ve saved the fucking world? Is that too much to ask? Posterity was wondering so I thought I’d bring it up.


here ya go. i hope this works


Well get your spin cap on “my friend” and lats dance. And fuck you for calling me mindless.

“The fact that in a very progressive district in New York it went more progressive than … well, Joe Crowley is a progressive, but she’s more left than Joe Crowley, is about that district. It is not to be viewed as something that stands for anything else,”

That is rank dismissal. She even used the GOP boogie word “left”. She dismisses Cortez’s victory as part of nothing…just a little local phenomena from a district that is progressive. This is not the first time Pelosi has made unnecessary comments.

if I tell you to jump off a cliff and then say I like your shoes…dude…that’s an insult.

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You’re just making shit up now. Finding a way to get pissed over every fucking thing is, yes, mindless.


She cautioned this was essentially a one-off due to the demographics of the district. Her dismissiveness lies in her contention a candidate such as Ocasio-Cortez would be somehow inappropriate or ill-suited for other districts that are, oh, I don’t know, more white and moderate? Like a left leaning woman of color has no damned business trying to appeal to such districts? Or that the constituents of such districts are incapable or unwilling to give a candidacy such as hers a chance?

“Sure, Ocasio-Cortez pulled this off in that district. But you know, she’s popular with “those people” so it wasn’t entirely unexpected. But you can’t expect voters in Indiana or Ohio to welcome the same kind of candidates that appeal to “those people”. Right? I mean, our party has to recruit people that appeal to real Americans. See what I’m saying?”