Discussion: Obama's Next Immigration Action Will Be A Nightmare For Boehner

Discussion for article #225650

Sahil really?? Have you got nothing better to do?


John Boehner is digging himself deeper and deeper into a hole. In keeping with the conservative Republican tradition (since Reagan’s historic dog-whistle Philadelphia, Mississippi speech), John Boehner and the Republican party should have gone after, investigated and tried to delegitimize, drive out of office President Obama via impeachment as it has every other Democratic president.

Impeachment is the only constitutional option. John Boehner instead has focused on obstructionism, doing nothing and now wants a lawsuit. The only people who will benefit from the lawsuit are the Republican lawyers and lobbyists who have made campaign contributions to Republicans and Speaker Boehner. The Republican party is being destroyed single-handedly by Boehner. The man is truly incompetent, totally lost and has to be saved from himself.

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Well, it’s not just Bohner. Fox news is helping to destroy the GOP too. They’ve made so much money off the Haters–and so alienated the Hated–that they’ve helped turn the GOP in to a cartoon.


The House won’t pass legislation because it won’t get 50 votes in the Senate (or 60 to overcome a filibuster) but would impeach, which requires 67 votes in the Senate? How does that make sense?


@Austin_Dave Completely agree. Fox News and the kingmakers in the conservative movement should set the stage to have John Boehner replaced as Speaker to prevent the Republican party from being destroyed by the corporate kleptocrats as soon as the August break ends and during the few days the House works in September.


LOL! Oh, YEAH! Please proceed, by all means!


This is political judo of the first order. The GOP is now locked into a lose-lose proposition. If they do nothing, and the President signs rational and reasonable executive orders, the base (led by Fox and the RW blogosphere) will go batboop crazy howling for impeachment. If they actually DO something in Congress to address the issue, once again, fireball city. If they try to appease the base by introducing articles of impeachment, they lose not only whatever possibility of support in the hispanic community, but the electorate at large. And the more they say they have no intention of impeaching Obama, the angrier the base becomes.

There is a factor here that many are not considering - the base regards the GOP RINOs as being as large an enemy as Obama. The simple fact that they’re saying that they have no intention of impeaching Obama is prima facie evidence that they’re secretly allied with him, and are covering for him because they’re all secretly liberals running under a false flag.

And the truly hilarious thing about this is that this is something they have brought on entirely by themselves. This hasn’t been some sinister liberal plot, this is their own hate, bigotry, and stupidity coming home to roost.


I know it is almost certainly foolish optimism/naiveté on my part, but wonder if this might be Toto puling back the curtain enough to let the GOP’s “base” see that they are being scammed with the hubristic caterwauling by their parties’ “leadership” and their pols into embracing a 2-minute hate while they get reamed by policies that only work for the 1% and the misogynist bigots that are in the GOP…?


All they have to do is pass legislation and then Obama does not have to give the orders.

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Impeachment only takes a simple majority in the House.


Sounds like our president has been reading Sun Tzu.


Do you mean is Good Old Pinheads were not a cartoon before?

God, yes! Stupid White people (certainly not ALL White people) please do impeach the first Black president. Oh, Jesus, do! Lets have that stain on Amerikkka, lets create 100 years or so of Democratic rule. Lets implement one party rule and let us eliminate Republicanism. Yes, we can! Si, se puede.


Want to see the electorate look more like 2008 and 2012, than it did in 2010? Keep talking about impeachment.

You start talking about impeachment, and blacks will read this as “nullification of a president because he’s black” which would be factually-correct.


I know impeachment only takes a simple House majority but it is effectively useless if the Senate fails to convict, which takes more votes than overcoming a filibuster even. If the actual goal were`to block the President’s actions, legislation would make more sense than impeachment.


Tea Party gets to tilt at the windmill that is the black man in the white house. Republicans foist all the blame on the Teabaggers. Latino voters are finally forced to decide between homophobia and immigration policy. Democrats use impeachment to drive the mid-term get-out-the-vote. Congress spends months continuing to get nothing done.

It’s a win for everyone, right?


Hi Baron! Good to see you posting your usual sensible stuff. We miss you over at TRS.

It is a win for democrats across the nation. I would expect the house to flip from republican to democrat if the house votes to impeach Obama.

Senate will stay democratic, McDonnell will lose and retire to Washington DC where he really lives. The only question is the number of (D) senators.

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Laughing at Impeachment? Do Michele Bachman, Steve King, Louie Gohmert, et al. have a sense of humor that doesn’t come across in their videos?