Discussion: Obama's Next Immigration Action Will Be A Nightmare For Boehner

Except dear Plucky, these people apparently don’t care what history will say about them. They simply do not care and have proved it over and over again by the last 6 years of blatant disrespect, racism and obstructionism


And they don’t give a shit what anyone thinks. They are apparently ready willing and happy to go over the cliff.

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A reasonable and proper journalist would approach this from the angle of why impeachment wouldn’t just blow up in the GOP’s face, but that they have yet to demonstrate a single legal aspect by which they could viably approach the subject…instead of burying that particular newsworthy point Greenwald-style 3/4s of the way down the story in one stilted sentence.

While I think the overall issue most definitely qualifies as news, the way this is written turns it into HuffPo clickbait.

Do better, Sahil. Seriously.


Bring it on.
Boehner will be dragged, kicking and screaming into Impeachment, but it WILL HAPPEN.
They just can’t help themselves.
When your ENTIRE political philosophy is based upon unreasoning hatred and bigotry, you can’t help but “take the next step” every single time because if you don’t, you will be considered “impure” and kicked out of the increasingly smaller tribe as it spirals down the drain.


Snake eats own tail, film at 11. Trying not to see the irony in that seeing as so many of them foment under the Gadsden…


I guess TPMZ needed someone to take over where Brian Beutler left off. This article is pathetic


That would be McConnell not McDonnell.

Impeachment is impossible because articles of impeachment must be filed with the original long-form “Birth certificate.” All Obama has released is the “Certificate of Birth” which isn’t the same.

You see, Obama’s original certificate of birth was being kept secretly in Benghazi, Libya. Why Libya? Because thats the heartland of Libs (thus: the name Libya). Apparantly, Obama’s certificate of birth was either stolen or destroyed by al Qaeda/Muslim Brotherhood/Rev Wright when they attacked the consulate. Hillary Clinton used the opportunity to burn the jacket she wore when she murdered Vince Foster.

Andrew Breitbart was going to report that Obama had his certificate of birth stored in Benghazi, but then died suddenly. Most assumed it was from a massive dose of coke, but the rightwingers have claimed team Obama had him killed.

Its true. We took his ass out. And there’s nothing you can do about it now.


I know this isn’t your first Kapur article. You’re just being silly at this point.

The problem in American politics today is the same problem we have been facing for the last 15 years–the mighty Wurlitzer. Talk radio and Fox News establish the Republican agenda yet none of the people involved with either is any more than a not so innocent bystander. It is sort of like having Waldorf and Statler direct the show.

Todd Akin was a liberal plot.


If you take all of the teabagger wish list through to it’s logical conclusion, it’s all a nightmare for the Republicans. They are only actively stalling at this point and with their typical sleazy best efforts, finding a way to excite the base with a totally sour lemon. They are working with what they’ve got, I’ll give them that, but it isn’t exactly a winning hand, that is, unless they’re playing low-ball.

If impeachment had been even the slightest bit worthwhile for them the first time around with Clinton, then they’d be boarding the loony train again faster than they could say, teabaggings for everyone. But, and that’s a big but, they aren’t even as dumb as Gingrich apparently. Being known as dumber than Newt for eternity I do not believe appeals to Boener, who is just more emotional than Gingrich and a much bigger drunk but less of a womanizing pig.

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Fear-mongering, plain and simple. Boo TPM.

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I guess I’m not getting why this is considered such serious news. It’s a rehash of points that already have been breathlessly made.

It’s almost as if TPM wants the GOP to do this.


To BillfromPA

More like Uncle Remus, but he both builds the Tar Baby and then begs the Teatards not to throw him in the briar patch.

When the House Judiciary Committee voted articles of impeachment for Richard Nixon, member Barbara Jordan (staunch Democrat) cried for the dishonor it all brought to the country, no matter how much Nixon deserved it. When Clinton was impeached, it was at least seen as a serious blot to his historical reputation, even if his enemies shot themselves in the foot by doing it. But if Obama is impeached by these imbeciles, I doubt it’ll even scratch him. The impeachment process will have devolved from tragedy to utter farce, all within the space of my lifetime.


As a side-note, I’ve noticed this tendency on “our side” as well–seeing anyone less radical than you as a kind of traitor.

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I knew immediately by the headline this was a Sahil Kapur story. What a complete tool. To think he may actually be proud of the kowtowing he does for the GOP day after day. And no one above him seems to care at all. Meanwhile, Kapur cowardly hides behind his keyboard, putting out trash anti-Obama stories day after day, never stopping to realize how incredibly biased he is. Clearly Kapur is angling for a job at a right-wing blog like Politico.

It would make the next few months a no-brainer in terms of coverage.

Do you really think this article is a smear on Obama? If anything, it’s typical lefty fear-mongering/demonization of the GOP.