Discussion: Obamacare Repeal Isn't Dead. It's Undead

No better way to put it than this:

One party wants to assure access to safe affordable health care for all Americans.

One does not.

Which one will you vote for next time you can cast your ballot…at ANY level?


I can’t believe these rats want to return to just hitting the “restart” button to start this silliness all over again!



This is why there won’t be any move for bipartisan fixes of Obamacare. The Rs will go along with Trump and let it hurt more people hoping that they can blame the Ds for it. That might work, but with Rs in control and their base demoralized, most non-partisans will blame the Rs anyway.

Also, the D price to work with the Rs is far to high for them to ever pay it. Rs must admit by word and/or deed that their opposition to Obamacare was political and that they never had anything better (particularly since Obamacare was an R design), All states that didn’t expand Medicaid before must do so now and the Rs must commit to the program going forward. And for under-served areas for individual health insurance, Rs have to agree to a public option such as a buy-in for Medicare or Medicaid.

Would the Rs ever agree to this? No way. They’d rather run against Obamacare in 2018 and 2020.


Well you know what they say about people who keep doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result. That would be the Repuglicans.


Repeal is dead for this Congress. Of course, they may try to bring it up again in 2019 if Democratic voters are stupid enough to stay home. But it’s dead, Jim. It was DOA before they started because there’s simply no way to do what they want without creating an electoral tsunami against them. I never believed it was going to pass and I still don’t.

Also, can we please dispense with the “moderates always cave” meme? I think very highly of Josh, but I think that meme was built on faulty evidence. It’s one thing to cave when legislation stands no chance of becoming law, when you’re voting against something that will still become law. It’s a totally different matter to vote for something that you’ll have to answer to later. But Dean Heller signed his political death warrant. Corey Gardner probably did too.


It’s a “journey.”

To Nowheresville.


After seven plus years will these Repuglican idiots stop wasting OUR money on THEIR vendetta against Obama? Does Congress only have three sane (?) Repuglicans capable of contemplating the possibility of sitting down with Democrats and holding hearings to identify the ACA’s problems and to try and fix them?

I guess that is a much too sophisticated concept for the tiny brains of the Repugs.


Yes, it certainly looks that way!

So sad!

If you can’t hurt people, scaring them is almost as much fun, I reckon.


They have been, and are still trying to eliminate the New Deal and Great Society programs. Some of which go back 80 years.

Of course they will keep at it.

They are zealots and insane.


Hitting restart is the only thing they know how to do. Look at the house opening up yet another redundant investigation into Hillary based on nothing more than wishful thinking.

Seriously, how stupid do they think Hillary is? Do they really think she’d pull crooked stunts when she knows she’ll be the subject of another 4-8 years worth of political assassination attempts? At this point, I suspect you’d have a very difficult time finding someone who ran a cleaner campaign since the dawn of the twentieth century. She knew, had she won, that her mandate would be under assault from day zero.


After repeated attempts Trumpcare is now…ZombieCare…it wobbles, it teeters, it’s dead and buried- and yet…and yet…is that the scaly rasp of Mitch McConnell’s claws I hear?


I’m not certain that is true. The Republicans have it within their power to sabotage health-care coverage and cause a full-on catastrophe. Healthcare legislation could be required (by everyone’s estimation) to fix the mess. They are still in charge for the forseeable future.


The South Shall Rise Again

“Similar back-room negotiations could drag on in the Senate for months or years to come.”

That’s right folks. Remember, these people still have their family’s confederate money stashed away in their attics. “Months or years”? Hah, let’s talk centuries from now they’ll still be gunning for ACA repeal, and return to the gold standard, and abolition of the income tax, etc., etc., etc.


I try to find the silver lining: If the morons in congress actually get their way, they’ll have set the stage for a single payer system when citizens getting sick realize what a flustercuck results. Sadly, it’s still not much in the face of the morally reprehensible treatment of their victims.


Yes, they do, but they own healthcare now, and there’s a huge risk that sabotage could backfire spectacularly.

I think that’s coming regardless. I think a bipartisan effort to fix the issues with O’care will soon emerge, and anyone who tries to block it will catch hell. And Republicans attempting to block legislative fixes will be exactly what Democrats run on.


I think it’s dead for this Congress. Mitch looked defeated and gave up. I had thought when they hadn’t clearly secured 50 votes by 9 pm ET that Mitch would call for a delay. When he knew that McCain was trouble, I thought he would’ve called for a delay. He didn’t because he ran out of gas and believed the effort to be futile. He wanted finality. He wanted it to end. He’s the majority leader. He controls the calendar. He gave up.

Mark Meadows is a Grade A idiot who doesn’t know shit. Loud mouthed assholes like him and Steven King can’t put together coalitions.


This is never ending, until it’s done.

When Republicans briefly recaptured the House riding Ike’s coattails in the 50s, they pledged to end Social Security and much of the New Deal. Something they tried again during Bush 2.

And the idea that any bipartisan bill the Senate did pass (and it won’t any time soon) would be as dead on arrival to the House same as the the Immigration Reform bill that passed a few years ago with bi-partisan support in the Senate to never even get a hearing in the House.

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Bingo. Well stated, sir.