Discussion: Obamacare Repeal Isn't Dead. It's Undead

Bigger question is what happens when McCain leaves the Senate? Does the AZ gov exact a promise from the replacement not to proceed or do they just go back to the well?

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Exactly, and I think McConnell wanted to show PP that he did everything he could and that he just doesn’t have the votes. If he really thought he could revive it from the dead, he’d have pulled the bill instead of suffering this humiliating defeat.


Yes, I would LOVE to see a newspaper break down how much time (and our money) was spent on this. And then Dems can use it in their ads. Why do we think of things that they never do? Sigh.


That reminds me, I need to toss the load of socks into the dryer when I get home.



Personally, I’m not a big fan of Zombie shit…There’s no doubt in my mind that these pukes won’t let go and will use it again and again as a cudgel, whenever and wherever they think it will get them votes, but that part of the country has shrunk, remarkably.

Senate leaders may also have an eye on the 2018 midterm elections, where Democrats have to play defense on far more seats than Republicans. If the GOP can win even one or two more seats, they may have the votes they need to muscle through some version of an Obamacare repeal bill.

I disagree with this. Dems do not have to be on defense over Obamacare (the ACA as many Republicans in the hinterlands would prefer it be called now that they’ve bought into its benefits). I think it is to the Dems advantage in many ways now and they can proudly and even defiantly against this one-party rule, playing to their strength in being the ones to protect the social safety net.

tRump lied to the American people when he said he wouldn’t touch Medicaid, Medicare or Social Security. He lied. Their plan was thoroughly vetted by CBO, and against their will I might add, so that they couldn’t even talk about their bills because they didn’t even know what they were doing and how it would impact people. HHS’s Tom Price lied about Medicaid. They all lied. No need to be on defense when you have truth on your side.


They can’t let it go for 5 fucking minutes. They just come back to it over and over and over again. I’m not optimistic for any bipartisan solutions as long as McConnell is majority leader.


ZombieCare ZombieCare ZombieCare

Repeal and replace is dead for now and possibly until 2019 if then. Too much time and political capital was wasted on this effort with nothing to show for it.Ted Cruz is perhaps the most hated member of the Republican Senate and Mitch will not do his bidding -Mconnell is done.

There are other things they want and need to do The continuing resolution to fund the government expires at the end of September. If it is not renewed, the government shuts down -not a pretty picture. Then there is tax reform which may make repeal/replace look like a Sunday stroll.


If you haven’t flagged him/it, I will.


Yeah, and Ted Cruz is also still fighting to ensure that marriage is between one man and one woman.

People in this town say the old “nothing is over until we decide it is” no matter how badly they’ve lost. That doesn’t mean it isn’t actually over.


I flagged it.


Or for the more geekish of us around here:

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Me too.


It’s a question of - as the slow-motion disaster unfolds - does coverage of people screaming how Obamacare caused it all dominate coverage? And will there be any mention in the news of the actions Republicans took and the resultant effects on healthcare?


I agree that a bipartisan effort is necessary and the Senate might actually be able to put forward a workable bill. But I don’t see it in this House. Ryan is ideologically opposed to it and as Speaker, he basically is the dictator. If he doesn’t want a vote, it doesn’t happen.

And even if he were inclined to allow a bipartisan bill to reach the floor, he wouldn’t because the “Freedum” Caucus would burn him in effigy (for starters) and throw him out. They have a de facto veto on bills in the House because they can force a leadership vote if the leader doesn’t kowtow to their every whim. And they all drink the kool-aid, convinced it’s nectar from God. They don’t understand it’s all just snake oil mixed with poison. So reasoning with them is out of the question.


If McConnell tries to resurrect this bill, I guarantee it won’t go over well with his Republican colleagues.


The underlying problem with US health care is the horrible diet of Americans; it makes people sick, fat and compliant. There is simply no sustainable health care model anyone can propose that doesn’t have at its core a demand that Americans take personal responsibility for their health. This means eating more plant-based foods, less animal protein, less dairy, less sugar. The reason health care services are so expensive is because the demand is so high. Fit, healthy people don’t need nearly as much health care service as fat, sedentary, smokers/drinkers. All the legislation in the world can’t make people get healthy. It’s up to each of us. So, put down your pizza, your pork ribs, your bratwurst, your double cheeseburger and help Make America Healthy Again.

Please watch the Netflix documentary WHAT THE HEALTH. It’s fantastic.

Bingo. This has been and remains one of my biggest concerns since since Election Night last year. The GOP have been relentlessly vomiting up and pushing the Obamacare is causing chaos and harm for years. It is almost muscle memory (to use an analogy) for them at this point, and their base and much of the media heathers have it seared into their brains.


Source close to POTUS: Reince has been told he’s out.

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