Discussion: Obama: 'We Should Be Ashamed' Of Failure To Address Gun Violence

Discussion for article #223765

He needs to call out Republicans by name. All this does is contribute to the idea that both sides are at fault, when it’s 90 percent one side.


“The United States does not have a monopoly on crazy people,” he said. “And yet, we kill each other in these mass shootings.”

While put a bit indelicately, this is exactly the tact he has to take, well, that we all need to take. The NRA has taken unforgivable liberties in blaming this on the mentally ill.


The President jumped all over this issue right after Sandy Hook and look what happened. The gun nut dem sympathizers stopped him including that a’hole Manchin. If Sandy Hook wasn’t enough to stop the NRA, then nothing will stop them until we elect people who will stand up to the scum sucking slime Wayne LaPierre. I wonder what would happen if tomorrow LaPierre is gunned down by a gunlover. I just wonder.


Well, did the Democrats step up and vote for the Manchin Toomey bill?


Sandy Hook wasn’t enough to stop the NRA

True. The wholesale slaughter of six year olds wasn’t enough. What may be enough is for someone to go into a maternity ward and slaughter a bunch of pregnant women, killing them and their fetuses.

That might do it, but I’m still pretty sure the Republicans, forced with a “guns or fetus” decision, will take the guns.

If he did that, the republican echo chamber would be all over it calling him a racist and all kinds of names while the pussy dems would be sitting around, saying nothing as they always do. They never have his back. And the media will be happy to play it up big time. Every time a rwnj goper goes on TV to bash the president or lie about him or what he said, one of our own should be up there defending him and telling it like it really is. I am sick to death of the pussy dems.


They are just as bad in my opinion.

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He’s right. Unless Americans wake up and take back their power by voting responsible legislators into office that are willing to do something about this problem…we, the people are stuck with a bad lot of politicians that have been thoroughly corrupted by the gun lobby and firearms industry.

Empowerment begins at the ballot box.


All he can do is try to persuade with the current pro-violence congress.

FDR couldn’t convince the isolationists they were wrong too.


It must be very wearing on his soul to be Mourner In Chief, and it’s not what we elected him to be.


Manchin-Toomey had 55 votes, there may have been a couple Dems who voted against it, but let’s be real it was a Republican filibuster that killed it, just like virtually every bill in the Senate.


First of all, who is “we”?
Screw it, you’ve got two more years on the bully pulpit, enough of the rope-a-dope, call them out. They may not like it, but could they possibly hate you any more than they already do?
Attack the premise.
The misguided idea that Second Amendment is there to protect citizens from the government. After what happened in Nevada, it’s time to call them out for the lunatics they are and shame them back into their bunkers.
Go after Bundy. High profile all the way. Round up the other idiots who flocked to his ranch to take up arms against our duly elected government.
Go ahead and piss them off because they’re just going to keep pushing the envelope and a confrontation now might save some lives later.
It’s time to lance this festering boil.
The American people have your back on this.


Big surprise, the establishment is too vested in the establishment…

Has any kind of rational (non-NRA) study been done since the
assault weapon ban expired in 2004? I would really like to see the
results of the lifting of the ban, though I guess we see some of the
results in the horrors of Sandy Hook. There is no hope for the
country as long as congress bows and scrapes to the RWNJs and
their infantile obsession with guns.

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Obama should come out and say that every person in America should be armed as is their right, especially black people.

That should get the Republicans going on a whole host of gun control bills.

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Yeah, but the Japanese did.

The isolationists were swayed by Pearl Harbor. Sandy Hook was at least as horrific as Pearl Harbor–fewer deaths, but dear god, they were first graders–and yet not a shit was given by the ammosexuals and their submissives in Congress.


True. The only thing that could serve as a Pearl Harbor on this issue would be an attack by 2nd Amendment Patriots on both chambers of Congress, with massive casualties.

That will take a lot of time!

no one can overcome America’s obsession with ammosexuality . . .