hey, my candidate didn’t just hand the presidency, the senate and the supreme court to the pussy grabber. you might want to reconsider the wisdom of running third way dems in times of extreme economic equality. look inward. feel the math.
Don’t count on my vote for anyone Bernie related.
lol wtf?
That is going to be a l rather widespread view in the Democratic party, women, and minorities. Get it used to it.
centrist dems who refuse to accept reality should get used to losing.
Branding is their specialty. Robby Mook is a genius!
That’s bullshit. Sanders had significant support from women and minorities. For example, he beat Clinton among women in WV by double digits, and he won the Latino vote and black youth (under 44) in Illinois. You are just repeating talking points promulgated by the Clinton campaign. You know, like the one that said that the minority vote was a firewall for her.
That is precisely what I expect will happen. None of the groups which provided the popular majority for Hillary will have much time for progressives. Further vote suppression will occur. Purity test destroyed progress. Thank you so much.
‘Had’ is the operative word.
you’re delusional.
Oh, FFS. Your candidate bombed, her craptastic candidacy lost the Senate for us, Trump’s in the WH, and you have the gall to blame progressives for the party’s problems.
The Clinton era is over, ajm. The next candidate of our party will not be another “moderate”.
I wish that were true but I’m not sure it is. The party regulars are like tenured professors. They will not move over or change the syllabus.
But let’s hope. Pity both Warren and Sanders will be too old in 2020.
Take care, Carlos.
See ya doll. You too @carlos and @michandaro. Holidays coming. And always remember:
I should be content
to look at a mountain
for what it is
and not as a comment
on my life.
David Ignatow
You better not go away forever, hear? I’ll be checking back.
And I love the poem.
@michandaro – and the same for you. Don’t go away forever. Even when I say nothing (which I sometimes do manage to do), I look for you too.
likewise, i always enjoy your posts!
Well, perhaps I’m being overly optimistic. But I see no one of HRC’s “gravitas” to take over the mantle of the centrists. (ETA: my son suggests they might try out Michele Obama. I’m still trying to digest that one.) I agree with your observation about the party apparatchiks; my brother uses bed bugs as his simile, but tenured professors is so much nicer. At any rate, the Donna Braziles and DWSs and their ilk have to go if the party wants to be viable. Look where we’re at today, way down in both houses. I’d hope competence would be valued at least as much as loyalty.
You take care as well. I read in the NYT today that Trump is considering Christie, Giuliani, and Gingrich for upper level appointees in his cabinet. My wife heard Palin’s name mentioned. It’s going to take a certain amount of focus combined with a Zen-like detachment to make it through the next 4 years.
Thanks @Darcy ; I needed that.
Good points and yes the days of the Donna Brasiles and Debbie Wasserman Schultz have to end.
But just who can carry a new style mantle I don’t know. There are people like Tammy Baldwin and I thought Zephyr Teachout upstate was promising. But she wiped out and it was a bloody shame. As you said, negative coattails. Sanders won that area in the primary.
And I wouldn’t put it past the Democrats to pick the wrong horses again and again.
So the short story is we need a third party. It could be subsumed by the Democratic party as the Teaparty was by the Republicans, but a viable progressive wing has to start challenging the party leadership or we are all well and truly fucked.
Trump won’t be able to deliver on many of his big mouthed promises – least of all will he be able to bring jobs back, which he promised he’d do on day 1 (he truly is a complete asshole) and the Republicans may pay for that in the midterms with the blue collar voters, but the Democrats won’t reap any benefits unless they have some firebreathing candidates in place – and not just more same old same olds trying to doll up like something else.
At any rate, I hope I’ll still see you around here. Maybe some of the abusiveness will abate.
Keep the faith.
26degressrising, you are spot on. I’d like to nominate you for the head of the DNC, or at least the board, but I’m not currently on the list of party insiders. But if Trump can nominate Gingrich, Giuliani, and Christie to be cabinet members, I’d like to imagine a world where someone could nominate you, @darcy , and @michandaro to fill those positions. I’d hate to have you torn away from your other activities, of course, but I think the benefit to life on the planet would be worth the inconvenience.