Discussion: Obama Tells Scott Walker To 'Bone Up On Foreign Policy'

Read a while back there is talk of Feingold challenging Johnson.

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youā€™re right, my bad

He is running against Obama in the primaries. All of them are and will, much, to be honest, as Obama, Hillary, Edwards, et. al. ran against Bush rather than McCain. And, for that matter, much as Eisenhower ran against Truman, Kennedy ran against Eisenhower, and Dukakis ran against Reagan. So it goes.

does NC have supper clubs?
If it doesnā€™t, it should. Everyone should.

No surprise,since he put the recordkeeper out of a union job.

Yes! And heā€™s going to use the same technique he used to ā€œbeat back the teachersā€™ unionā€ to beat back ISIS. Iā€™m waiting for him to explain Sunni, Shiites, locate on a map where the various Middle East countries are, but with fans like you heā€™ll just coast for a while.


Doubtful he actually voted for Walkerā€”this would seem to be Beej, the boring but persistent troll we canā€™t seem to scrape off our shoe here. He lives in North Jersey.


Not a thing, not a single damn thing that Obama can say that Repubs wonā€™t twist against him.

Obama ā€œIts a nice sunny dayā€
Repubs: ā€œSee how our President supports the mythical global warming by wishing sun cancer and heat death on our country! PS: Benghazi!!ā€


Okay, so the two states arenā€™t alike in every way . . . North Carolina also isnā€™t known for the quality of its dairy products. Hell, cows are so rare here that, years ago, we found it made more sense to count the graveyards and lose them when you see cows than to count cows and lose them when you see graveyards to pass time when traveling beachward on the backroads.


The only ā€œfailed leadershipā€ is coming from Congress. Lying prick.


Such recurrent and colossal strategic stupidity on the part of Rā€™s. Like superannuated generals on the Western Front they insist on trying to fight the 2016 elections against the 2008/12 candidate. Reactive, reactionary, and so, so stupid.

A friend of mine used to make this argument - there is no difference, the advisors will keep them in line. Need I remind you of W.? That should close this argument for a generation.


Scott Walker is a stupid Kochsucker.

Running against bush was vital, I believe, because what he had done in eight years was almost unprecedented. It was important to establish that only the Democrats could even begin to undo some of it. Now of course, if they want to run against Obamaā€™s social programs including ACA, let them do that. But there has been too much beneficial societal change for any R to vow heā€™ll undo it. Of course, they join the government in order to undo government so theyā€™ll try.


Didnā€™t we learn to be wary of presidents who were overly dependent on their councillors in 2003?

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I love it ā€¦ he brags about peaking as a teenager. Idiot.


Walker doesnā€™t need foreign policy knowledge. He knows all he needs to know. Heā€™s the hammer and the world is a nail. What more is there to it than that? Itā€™s not complicated.


So the black president has to be educated and knowledgeable about foreign, but the Republican candidates can use blame, deflection, and dissembling. Why is Scott Walker, a college dropout, qualified to be president?

Thereā€™s a rather significant chunk of the American population that being a willfully ignorant crybaby appeals to. The same people Sarah Palin was winking at that one time.

Couldnā€™t running for President give him enough real world equivalent credits for his degree?

Well certainly not equivalents in civics, ethics, or communication.

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