Me too!
I thought he graduated with a degree in Foreign Policy from Bill O’Reilly University.
That is just a series of bald-faced lies.
The Middle East is screwed up because A) It’s always been screwed up and B) Because Bush and Cheney made sure it was terminally screwed up.
The Soviet Union hasn’t existed for almost 30 years.
The economy is doing rather well, and we’ve had 61 months of positive private-sector job growth under Obama—a record for growth that no other administration has come near.
You’re pathetic.
I have an 18X36 laminated copy of his birth certificate (given to me by a friend) and was probably the first one to buy his cup marked BORN IN THE USA. I am admitted Obamabot - and don’t expect others to be, but I certainly enjoy every minute of it. No exaggeration
If anyone caught him at the Easter Egg Roll at the White House yesterday(and all previous Easter Egg Rols) - they would understand why he is so special.
Good on you.
Not only does Scott need to bone up on foreign policy, they all do since they will be debating with HRC. Scott’s told us his qualification for being POTUS is having been an Eagle Scout. That’ll take him far.
It’s not PC to talk about how a candidate looks but I’ll make an exception in his case. His eyes. Are they looking to the left or to the right or somewhere vaguely straight ahead? His bald spot, growing by the day, is also off putting. More than than he wants war somewhere with somebody and will defeat ISIS ina walk because labor unions.,
He’s the poster boy for fetal alcohol syndrome.
That’s what you see in those dead eyes.
Idiot thinks he’s running against Obama in 16’. If the dems want a i-oh-tah of a chance they really need to start countering and taking control of the messaging.
Wisconsin gave us Joe McCarthy, Paul Ryan and now Scott Walker. Have you no mercy?
Read Netanyahu and the bomb, bomb, bomb neocons. After all, we have our mic/defense stock portfolios to think about.
President Obama’s failed leadership has put him at odds with many
across the country, including members of his own party, and key allies
around the world
Scott Walker would be at odds with several of America’s key allies in Europe – Britain, Germany, and France – if he were to unilaterally renege on the agreement that all three support. Maybe Britain’s Prime Minister would become Walker’s “poodle” as Tony Blair was for G. W. Bush and go along with continuing sanctions, but France and Germany would likely just resume normal trade relations with Iran. And Russia and China, also parties to the negotiations, would CERTAINLY do so.
The red state yahoos who vote in GOP presidential primaries will not vote for any candidate that doesn’t despise Obama and all his works. GOP primary candidates need to appeal to these creeps or no nomination for them. These candidates are basically locked in a rhetorical prison, and one of their own making since it was they who decided to transform the Republican party into the party of the white racists.
Russ Feingold?
Russ is my guy.
The more I’ve thought about it (mostly prompted by others), the more I’ve realized that Wisconsin is North Carolina’s northern twin. Both states with a deep-seated commitment to higher education that the state’s conservatives have long looked at with seething resentment and nihilistic loathing. Both formerly the homes of very locally-rooted versions of conservatism that have now been nationalized by the Kochs, both now provinces of the Kochtopus Empire ruled by sycophantic proconsuls. Both the kind of state that can send a Terry Sanford, a John Edwards or a Russ Feingold to the Senate and then send a Jesse Helms or a Thom Tilllis or a Ron Johnson.
After previously expressing much the same sentiment you did, I suddenly realized that I understood Wisconsin very well indeed, despite never having been there.
So you voted for a college dropout whose been under constant investigation and ranks 43 in the US in job creation since he’s taken office TWICE?
You nailed it. They’d all better start prepping on foreign policy because HRC is the one they’ll be challenging. Hating Obama by virtue of empty talking points has a long shelf life but only points out how little they know.
Death wish much?
Aww, little Scotty got his fee-fees hurt.