Discussion for article #235085
The Koch Minions dont really have much foreign policy experience. They’re just domestic terrorists.
Well, at least he’s bound to be no worse at foreign policy than he’d be at domestic policy.
Heaven help us.
It"S OHbummer tHAt neeDS to BONe up HIS foreIGN poLICY. WHO PAVEs the waY for IRAN to make AN ISLAMO-NUKE withOUT FORCINg IRaN TO becoME BEsties WITH ISrael, the ONLY democracY in the Middle East?
“Americans would be better served by a president who spent more time working with governors and members of Congress rather than attacking them. Whether it is cutting a bad deal with Iran, calling ISIS the JV squad, or touting Yemen as a success story, Obama’s lack of leadership has hurt America’s safety and standing in the world.”
A perfect 10, for deflection; however, there is a 2 point deduction, for lack of a Benghazi reference.
Israel is more like a protectorate than it is an ally.
I think I need to “bone up” myself.
Gov. Walker is no foreign policy slouch. Why, he can see Cheesekurdistan from his porch
I love the articulate “put down” that this President can deliver. More of this, please.
our “key allies” are in on the deal Gov Walker
Kudos to President Obama, calling it out in a classy way, telling the truth. Good for him!!
Mr. Walker might also want to bone up on communications skills while he’s at it.
An unhealthy obsession with Obama is good for the base, but it doesn’t do much to attract people who don’t suffer from ODS.
“He can’t put people out of work like me!” Mr. Walker later added.
You can take an act to far. NO GOP’er elected to the presidency is going to ditch that deal. Walker and his buddies may hype that to get votes but if he were to get elected ( something very unlikely ) he would be in deep shit. He’s an idiot but he’ll probably get competent council and he’ll get that on day 1. And no one with experiences outside of Walker’s insular world would tell him to wreck the Iran deal. He would do it against the advice of his entire FP staff.
He won’t do it. What music does he plan on dancing to when he flips the mother of all flops on “day 1”?
Is Walker really suggesting that the President needs to work more closely with Governors when it comes to foreign policy and international diplomacy? Aye, aye, aye…
Also, notice that Walker is pathologically unable to admit the obvious, that indeed he does need to bone up on foreign policy if he’s going to be taken seriously as a Presidential candidate.
“The battery in my old pickup truck was dead when I got up this morning. OBAMA!!!”
Scott Walker: all the indefatagible stupidity and proudly ignorant commitment to neocon policies of George W. Bush, the mean-spirited viciousness of Dick Cheney and the corruption of Richard Nixon. Truly, the dream candidate of the kind of peaked in high school barstool Republican voter who invariably answers his own “you know what we need to do?” question with a proposal involving violence and who doesn’t want a president who’s smarter than he is.
according to the repugs our only key ally is Bebe. And he’s so key we should let him do our negotiating for us.
Indeed. You took similar words out of my mouth. This President makes me proud every day. It will be a long time before we have another President with this class, brilliance and temperament,
I love My President