How long 'til this gets spun around to “Dems ignoring plight of flood victims”??
Yeah, you really want to divert critical emergency resources for a POTUS visit. Brilliant thinking, RWNJ’'s!
Thank FSM, they have a democrat governor with some common sense.
Obama Takes Hit For Not Visiting Flooded Louisiana, But Gov Tells Him To Wait
End of story.
Hey, Cajuns, get your own climate-denying Congressmen to help you.
at least when he does come to survey the damage it’ll be boots on the ground and not a flyover on the way to the golf course looking out the plane window feigning concern…
But no, it won’t be the end. Pubbies will cry a river and add to the flood’s size for the President’s decision to not go now.
But I’m sure Trump will visit, to lock down the vote in a state he already has, and miss another day of opportunity to reach out to new voters in other states he needs. Because that’s just how smart Trump’s campaign is.
When will Drumpf commandeer a few much-needed generators and hold a scampaign rally in Jackson Square?
Well, if he runs true to form, he will make it all about him. You know: “oh, once my bathtub flooded. The solid 24 karat gold faucets stuck open and it completely ruined my Italian marble floor in the bath. I gotta tell you, it was so sad, it was a disaster. So I really feel your pain.”
In short, the newspaper is saying they need more photo ops and less actual help, because that’s whats important.
Rachel Maddow spoke with Gov. Edwards who told her just how much the President had already done…all of the people he’s talked to in the Administration (including the president), and then gave concrete examples of WHY this isn’t the best time for the President to come to LA.
And then you get Drump diddleshitting around in disaster areas that no one asked him to visit.
I don’t, I can’t remember the last time, usually agree with the Republicans and the neo cons but in this case, I absolutely do.
Obama is proving to be both tone deaf and insensitive to the plight of the poor and middle class in the Big Easy…is trying to emulate baby Bush? If so, he’s doing a great job of it.
This is the problem with the Presidency - our Presidents lose touch with the people AND they get a lifetime of tax payer covered compensation. Obama also stopped a bill that would have eliminated the lifetime salary and comp. plan for x-Presidents.
Obama is proving to be more Republican than even Hill Billy Clinton who we all know is a Reagan Republican based on his actions - not his god awful empty rhetoric.
end of story? stop being rational…
Yes because Obama is doing the things that actually helps people there he has lost touch with them and is just like Bush who didn’t do the right things and who put a idiot in charge of FEMA and there was a stadium full of stranded people for days and … JESUS FUCKING CHRIST its just so insane to try to compare the two. FUCK YOU.
I watched that last night too. I was really impressed with the governor who made it perfectly clear that he’s very grateful for the president’s offer to help and all that the federal government is already doing. He also said the last thing they need right now is a presidential visit because it necessarily requires so many first responders on his detail, and right now they need those folks to aide their ongoing rescue efforts.
So…you’re basing all of this because he hasn’t visited? Something the Governor specifically asked him not to do? He signed the FEMA declaration within hours of the request. He sent the people who are trained and hired to actually deal with these kind of disasters to LA immediately.
Our genuine concern for the citizens of Louisiana will be expressed by a capable FEMA response. FUX Noose & etc., will howl their never ending anti-Obama outrage; it’s what they do. After critical human needs are met the President can go and ensure the response is meeting those needs. It will really be more than a photo-op visit. At which point FUX Noose & etc., will find more gratuitous insults to show their disrespect of the POTUS.
Did you even bother to read the article or did you simply read part of the headline and decide “hmm, the Republicans are right on this one”? The governor ASKED HIM NOT TO COME. What part of that is confusing to you? Should he go anyway despite the fact that 100s of first responders would be pulled from their rescue missions? Should he put his photo op above the lives and safety of those who’ve already lost everything in the flood? Would that make you feel better?