Discussion: Obama: Oregon Shooting

Discussion for article #241298

My heart is broken again. And, I am so sad that our President has to talk about this again. His speech is heartfelt and real. Maybe he can’t get anything done until he is out of office. In the meantime, can’t we go after the NRA better than we have been? Can’t we?


I’ve never seen sustained anger like this from Obama. Thanks, Mr. President. In my opinion, your anger is righteous. You spoke for me.


Our thoughts an Prayer are not enough.

Mr. President, thoughts and prayers don’t do a dammed thing … until we start taking the guns off the streets, we will continue to have these incidents.

300 millions guns, the death peddlers and the culture that supports all of it are not going to go away overnight. But we need to start moving in that direction.


How many people have to die before enough Americans become ashamed enough to do something about guns? Or will that day never come?


And, here in Texas open carry will be allowed on, yes, college campuses. Because freedumb.


As a Jew who is really an atheist, my thoughts are, thoughts and prayers do nothing BECAUSE NOBODY IS LISTENING. I remember some meme years ago that showed W praying, and the text said, “Prayer is what you do to pretend you are doing something.” SO FUCKING TRUE.


The one thing I truly wish the President had said (and all Democrats and those in favor of common sense rules should say constantly) was to refer specifically to the 2nd Amendment and say “It is in the Constitution, the cornerstone of our nation: ‘…well-regulated militia’…”


What can he do - he has tried. As long as the republicans control congress and the senate and are bought and sold by the NRA what can this President do.


The NRA is made up of mostly decent gun owners and most reasonable gun owners want responsible gun laws. It is the scum of the earth like LaPierre who is in the gun and ammunition business that has congress by its balls. Some democrats are among them


And that’s ridiculous, for an entire country to be held at gunpoint by a few greedy people in cahoots with a few more psychopaths.


That was my first thought. Why can’t we go after the NRA, and why doesn’t the President go after them since they’re the ones that have bought up the politicians literally lock, stock and barrel, in order to insure absolutely nothing is done on this issue? If President Obama doesn’t have any fucks left to give…I’d like to see him take on the gun lobby in toto.

I understand why he needs to talk directly to the American people right now and motivate people to demand change from our politicians, even by way of our upcoming vote, but damn…Mr. President. If you can’t even say that the NRA has a chokehold on our government and its elected politicians, than what can you say that advances a message for change? The body politic demands we take on the NRA directly in this country since the polls consistently show Americans are in favor of gun background checks by wide margins, all while the media conveniently ignores this fact. The corporate media still wants to play the “both sides of the issue” bullshit on this epidemic. Its insanity.



The psychopaths know they’ll leave their mark on society because they’ve seen it happen so many times. We know shooters names very well, and that’s what every sick twist is hoping for

A feckless Congress beholden to the gun lobby and a lame duck president whom they don’t respect is almost a guarantee that nothing will be done before he leaves office and perhaps not even by a successor.

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The letter from the Sheriff of Douglas County, OR:


He is one of the posse commitas idiots - who wrote to Biden that he would not uphold any laws passed re: 2nd amendment.


He still has the bully pulpit. That’s still worth a hell of a lot, as its a very good issue for the next incoming President to rally the American people around as a unified front. Besides, Obama’s lame duck status has often been greatly underestimated. He still has the ability to piss off enough Republicans’ consistently on their most cherished ideological bullshit…and that’s all to the good imo.

Any upcoming election is the best way to prove the NRA wrong on these issues, and Obama will be among one of the best campaigners-in-chief for whoever the next Democratic Presidential candidate turns out to be.

Or, we could just ask Donald Trump or Ben Carson how they feel about what just happened in Oregon. But I tend to think, that’s just a laughable proposition. Or maybe people will choose to listen to machine-gun baconator Cruz on the matter. Good Lord.


C’mon BO…you’re all out of fucks…take them to the mat.


They’re just gong to claim that such a letter proves this was a false flag and revenge against responsible gun owners…that it somehow fed Obama and Biden a reason to pick Douglas County for their black ops.


And that weasel in Louisiana, Bobby Jindal, will say “The time isn’t right to confront gun violence” yet again…
And the NRA … well … we know what they will say.
The GOPers? They will blame Obama. Somehow it’s Obama who pulled the trigger.

What the hell is wrong with universal background checks? Why can’t guns be kept out of the hands of the mentally ill? Or felons? We get a license to hunt pheasant or quail or deer. Why not a license to own a damned gun? I would not be surprised to learn there are more guns than people in America.


Speaking of black ops… has the US taken over Texas yet?

I wish they’d hurry up.


My brother-in-law had been an NRA member since he could be one. He likes to hunt deer, pheasants, ducks and has traveled all over.

He gave up his membership two or three years ago. He was completely disgusted with the “new” NRA.

If you look at the NRA’s history, who could blame him.