Discussion: Obama: Oregon Shooting

I hear the abandoned Walmarts are full of grey aliens and they are getting restless.

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[Looks at the headline]

About fucking time.

Every politician who has taken money from the NRA should be forced to make a choice. You can take the money, but you have to give up someone you love,just like thousands of others have had to ,seems fair to me.

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When I was a cub scout in the 50’s one of the den meetings was at our farm. My Dad had an NRA guy come to talk to us kids about guns. There was no politics. It was all about safety. How NOT to handle a gun. And why. How to be responsible around them. How to safely store them. It was repeatedly stressed that they weren’t toys. That they were inherently dangerous. How times have changed for the NRA.


There once were decent people who belonged to the Republican party… but a good portion of the Far Right simply took advantage.

Here is a bit on the finances of the NRA:

The organization’s mission is simply stated, right at the top: “To protect and defend the U.S. Constitution.” To accomplish this, in 2010 the NRA reported that it had 781 full time employees, 125,000 volunteers and generated revenues of $227.8 million.

Where does all that come from? In 2010, $71 million came from contributions and grants, $100 million from membership fees and $46 million from other revenue sources, like ad sales ($20 million) royalties, rents and subscriptions.


Conservative Republicans are being questioned.

Then he is a traitor and/or should be removed from office.

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Conservatives stand by the NRA and the gun crazies. Cheney even shot a friend in the face on a hunt. The conservatives love guns. Makes 'em feel all manly man inside when the hold 'em. They love the 2nd amendment.

So, I have a proposition… conservatives can keep the NRA and Wayne LaPierre but rational and sane people get to keep Planned Parenthood and the Affordable Care Act and women get to control their bodies… no more state control of uteri. No more war on women. Otherwise conservatives lose their precious artillery.


Haha, seriously…the money we get for selling it back to Mexico would pay for the fence…with TX on the other side.

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Good on your brother. I have a brother and two nephews who are NRA members who still believe “sensible guns laws” is code word for someone wanting to take their guns away,

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The NRA is the main lobbyist for gun manufacturers. Whatever they once might have been, they are what they are now. Whatever they did in the past, all they want now is to sell as many guns as possible, regardless of the societal consequences.

We regulate cars, smoking, baby strollers, restaurants, cell phones and pretty much everything else people do in America, but when it comes to guns the NRA fights every day to not only prevent new regulations but, more importantly, they fight every day to prevent the enforcement of whatever current regulations exist. Yes, they do. They can say we need to enforce the current laws all they want, but they are actively working every day to undermine or overturn those very same gun regulations (each and every day).

Anyone who continues to believe that the gun manufacturers, through the NRA, care about the Constitution, or their “rights” (what about the right of a free people to go about their daily lives without being threatened by a gun?), isn’t seeing reality.


Brother-in-law, but yeah.

And with how many guns out there now?

Your brother and nephews are…

It’s time for more of us to stand up and push back against the bullcrap spewed by morons.

That’s pretty much what the President said.


Obama also recommended a “report card” for gun control similar to what the NRA issues and that more voters need to become single issue on this. I’ve emailed Everytown gun control organization to see if they will take on this task. Every damned politician in WDC needs a microphone thrust in their face and the question asked “Do you support federal gun control legislation?” Yes or no. Then the stand taken by each politician and then the report card when legislation comes up in Congress. Then we’ll work our way down to the state level and get the same damned information there–and for each candidate for elected office.

I am angry, sick and willing to work and to donate to get better gun control before my grandchildren are in college and end up injured or dead by gunfire. There is NO excuse for this. None.

I ended a lifelong friendship (40 years, since junior high) 6 years ago with a guy who had bought into the entire NRA paranoia. It got to the point where we couldn’t even talk about shit because he’s wrapped up in believing every fucking crazyass thing the NRA sends him. Smart guy but paranoid and gullible.


To hell with the right to a well regulated militia; these and all other victims had a right to life. Pass and enforce nationwide unconditional requirements for background checks any time a person transfers ownership of a firearm. Require reporting any time one is lost or stolen. And do away with cheap pistols, the biggest killer of all firearms.

NRA supporters sicken me. They are worse than pedophiles. They are utterly impervious to facts or evidence.

Yes, every ten years or so, things of this sort do happen in other developed countries that have laws prohibiting private guns. But they are very, very rare. The US has had 45 shootings in schools this year alone and two major shooting sprees.

Over a million Americans have died because of guns since Columbine.

Its the guns. Anyone who wants to deny that is an idiot or worse.

Ban the guns, ban them all.

If the courts wont let us ban guns, we can ban shooting ranges and hunting. And we can make gun owners liable for any death caused by their property. And we can let people sue the death manufacturers and the death distributors.

These are sick, sick people.


If they won’t accept sensible gun control laws then lets just go and prohibit them completely.

Don’t bother to negotiate or compromise with people who won’t do either. Anyone who wants to own a gun has to drill five days a year with their state national guard.

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Yeah. I posted the same letter on another thread I got off a link from Crooks and Liars. The good sheriff is not all he’s cracked up to be at the moment. His concern for the dead and wounded is duly noted…but that’s about it. His attitude prior to this shooting is reprehensible for a law enforcement officer. He filed for a third term in Douglas County a couple of days ago too on their non-partisan ballot. He’s as partisan as they come from the looks of that letter if you ask me. Another fucking wingnut.