Exactly. This is why Dems need to get smart right now and get ahead of the news. This is the only way to stop this cycle of insanity.
Dem pols and (talking heads could help too but can’t count much on them they’re 1% media hoes too) need to hold GOTP extreme votes accountable.
They need to do this in lockstep, just call attention to each and everyone of GOTP obstructionist, anti Middle Class, anti women, anti student votes to the media.
The 1% media may be pro-GOTP but they’re also pro money in their pockets aka pro-news, so if Dems are making news that’s anti GOTP and scandalous, they’ll cover it anyway begrudgingly but they will. It’s still money.
That’s how Obama won 2012 in spite of clear pro-RMoney slant from 1% MSM. Dems can too, as Obama did in 2012, they highlighted GOTP anti women, anti student, anti Latino votes. That brought those people out. Dems have to do this consistently. It’s not their nature, but they need to bring guns not knives to gun fights going forward!!
Yeah, they’re evil too.
Call their bluff. A wise Dem or Independent should up the ante. They should insert a amendment stating if ACA is repealed states are allowed to create Medicare for all plans. Or they should just ask the Tea Baggers if they are really opposed to any government involvement in the health care system would they forgo their employer tax deduction or Medicare?
Not possible. The ACA isnt a budgetary bill, which are the only bills that can be passed by reconciliation…and then of course, there would be Obama’s veto, killing it besides, so that’s a dead end for them.
Don’t like to sound selfish, but It is just too late for the Republicans to take MY ACA away, because I jumped on it once I was covered and got two important surgeries done, which will eventually, once I’m fully recovered, put me back into the job market (which I was incapable of joining in my herniated condition) and likely added a few years to my life, already over 60 years in the making.
If the Republicans want to punish me for it, they can sue me or try to make me pay it all back, (good luck with that) but they can’t pull that hernia back out of my body and make me suffer with it.
So even if they do manage to destroy this benefit for future sufferers, they can’t take away the good it has already done for so many of us who struggled without health insurance, and that was over a decade for me.
THANK YOU, Barrack Obama, Kathleen Sebelius and the compassionate Democratic majority of the 112th Congress.
I owe all of you more than gratitude. I hope and pray you will all be blessed for your compassion, if not in politics, at least in your personal lives.
It is just too bad that the Republicans had to use this issue as a wedge in their desperation to maintain the status quo they now perpetuate only with Citizens United.
Without that Citizens United money does ANYONE with an honest bone in their body think any of these close races, especially Iowa, would have gone to the right?
Anyone who tries to deny that simple but profound truth is either brainwashed or lying.
I think most of us realize that the real power Republicans know the ACA is a permanent fixture, and while they may use it as a political whipping post, they aren’t about to repeal it.
It is a lot like Medicare and Social Security, just too many of their own voters now depend on it to actually overturn it somehow. Although even many of those voters still join the trash-fest against Obamacare, they aren’t nearly so willing to lose the ACA.
Go figure.
Chammy, considering that ride for them is on a whole lotta bull, I think a “yee-haw” is in order…
Ernst in particular is going to find a hard place and a rock very soon when she’s asked to vote en bloc to deny her fellow vets the benefits they earned fighting Bushwars in the middle east.
That “Queen of the Republicans” label that Russert has tagged her with will become a rotten albatross hanging on her neck, very soon, because either she’ll have to betray her fellow vets or betray her fellow Republicans, no matter how she spins it, she’s going to come out of this either a certified hypoc®ite, or a virtuous but powerless outsider.
There’s no in-between for Joni.
Good for you President Obama, and as for the rest of your term, SCREW THEM ALL, including the Dems who have again and again stabbed you in the back, starting with Reid. You are done worrying about helping those losers get reelected, and now it is your legacy that matters. The truth be told, few from your own party has been at all supportive of you, unlike the other party was with that loser President Bush, whose policies and failures you are now being blamed for.
Start screaming from the rooftops what you have accomplished, with little help from your own damn party, and nothing but obstruction from the other, and sign every legal Executive Order that you can, and just dare those POS teabags to impeach you, because if they do, maybe people will finally wake up for 2016. You owe them nothing, because that is basically what you have gotten from them, and by them I mean BOTH PARTIES! Just do what you know is right for the country, and stare them in the face and dare them to impeach you, because just like with Clinton, that may be the best thing that could happen for your legacy.
Why do you think so many countries followed our ignorant path after 2010 and elected CON governments, who have as a result driven their economies into the ditch? This is a world wide aim of the oligarch fascists.
Not only where the vets are concerned but also she is from Iowa, so just what is she going to do concerning farm bills? Is she going to vote for her state’s well being, or party line? Russert infuriates me, and I can’t stand him. He is nothing like his father, but he sure likes to do that Fox thing, and claiming that not to bright woman as queen of the right shows it. She is the female version of Ted Cruz, and I think that Iowa is going to be very embarrassed that they elected her.