Discussion for article #229860
Well Mr President you know they the repubs(small R) are feeling their oats but you are right stop the on coming BS in it’s tracks.With their majority in both houses they think the are the “SHIT” but they also have to act like responsible legislators and I think this will take a few months for them the (repubs) to grasp.Stay on your game Sir !
This country isn’t ready for a decent, honest president with integrity who sincerely tried to help the people. They would rather have a proven do nothing party to fuck them
Enjoy the ride assholes.
If they propose reforms to make it work better…
I mean seriously, the president has to talk that way to look like he is making the effort to work constructively, but aint gunna happen.
Republicans have had 4 1/2 years to propose or vote on changes to make the law work better. They have not done it. Instead, they have filed lawsuits, they have blocked changes, they have blocked minor technical changes of the sort that are routine with other bills, and when Obama has taken necessary steps to deal with these issues via executive order, they have demagogued it every step of the way.
The Republicans will propose full repeal.
The Democrats will filibuster.
The Republicans will eliminate the filibuster and pass the bill.
The President will veto the bill.
The Republicans will complain that our President remains divisive and partisan and is unwilling to work with Congress.
People will believe them because the Republicans own the media.
It isn’t going to be pretty.
Repealing the ACA is very unpopular nationwide. Let the GOP put a bill on Obama’s desk that repeals it. Obama will then use the bully pulpit to highlight what the GOP is asking him to sign and how that is bad for so many people. I don’t think the GOP wants this fight.
The GOP would love it if Dems filibustered a repeal of ACA because the GOP could tell their base they are trying, but the big bad Dems are stopping them. End result is that the GOP doesn’t have to pay a political price, yet still appease their base. This fight would be under the radar for most people, except for the base.
If Dems did not filibuster, then it would be a very public fight with Obama since vetoes are national news.
I believe it should be 100% mandatory that articles like this (a) quote the question that the POTUS or other politician was asked and (b) name the imbecile who asked it.
Obama: “The law doesn’t work if you pull out that piece or that piece.”
GOPers/Teatrolls: “No shit, sherlock, why else do you think we’d be proposing it?”
The End (of democracy in Amurikkka).
“Obama said…he would be “open and receptive” to “responsible changes” to Obamacare proposed by the new GOP Congress…”
Huh? Obviously, Obama still has a “Kick Me” sign on his back. Amazing. When they start the impeachment process what’s he going to say…? “I will do whatever I can to help the process along…I’m willing to work with them to resolve this.” I mean this guy is living in a bubble.
The best way would be to let them vote on repeal and send it to his desk. Then Obama can use a physical printed copy of that bill on every stump speech, wave it around and remind people what republicans want to take away from the American public.
I’m hoping the Dems are smart enough to not fillibuster anything for the next two years. Give the Republicans all the rope they need to hang themselves and let the lame duck president use the veto pen to protect the well-being of the country.
They probably won’t use the filibuster much; they tend to be better at going along than the scorched-Earth Republicans. After all, they pretty much let George W. Bush do whatever he wanted. That said, there’s no way that the Republicans would ever accept from Democrats the sort of behavior they’ve exhibited since 2009. If the Dems try to retaliate by blocking everything, Mitch will pull out the nukes in a heartbeat.
Trouble is, the Dems in Congress also don’t want this (or any) fight. As usual, they won’t have Obama’s back, and Obama will be left swinging in the wind, all by his lonesome.
No they are not, nor do they recognize it when it presents itself. It appears to confuse, plus have you noticed he is black and gets about one third of the opportunity to fix major problems left by GWB. The entire Middle East nightmare is due to the presidency of Bush/Cheney, with helpful assists from Bremmer and the gang. Sadly, very sadly, voters have turned against a thoughtful, thorough president in favor of a party that will put boots on the ground again in the Middle East, if they ever get the chance. So Democrats, not that they listen, if you let other define you and you and don’t embrace your accomplishments, this is the result.
The President should say the following: “You guys made a solemn promise that you would repeal and replace the ACA. So, if you send me a bill that replaces the ACA with something of YOUR crafting that covers as many, or more, people and controls costs, I will sign it.”
And most of the media are Republicans. The big name ones anyway. And of course all the Sunday talk shows.
Exactly. The only change is that Rs will probably pass bills that are generally appealing, but contain poison pills designed to defund or hobble the ACA. This would make the obstructionist label stick to Obama when he vetoes.
Coming to a plutocracy near you sometime in February 2015:
GOP/Teatrolls use reconciliation to defund the ACA entirely then back off slightly, call it “compromise” and then dare Obama to do as he’s told or be the one who is at fault for shutting down the gov’t…while the MSM calls it compromise, tells everyone to consider it compromise and wonders out loud if it was Obama and the Dems who were the obstructionists causing all the congressional dysfunction all along.
The GOP will make a token effort to repeal Obamacare, but they also read numbers–I think–and polls. Among the voters who believed health care was their top issue, the majority of them voted Democratic. McConnell succeeded in his effort, announced in 2009, to block anything Obama proposed. However, at heart McConnell does not want to become Senate Majority Leader and continue to oppose. He will try and get some legislation passed, not only to dress up his resume, but he’s smart enough to know that the GOP has to appear to be positive and problem-solvers. He will have problems with his own caucus…