Discussion: Obama Calls Trump's Decision To End DACA 'Cruel' And 'Wrong'


Thank you, Mr. President. You are right.

Unfortunately, being cruel and wrong is what Republicans do these days. It’s their brand.


“Now that the White House has shifted its responsibility for these young people to Congress,

All class, all the time.


And here was just reading how there was no Obama reaction yet! My how things change!


Dear dog, I miss him.

Class, intelligence, maturity, compassion. The exact opposite of what we have now.


Obama said in a Facebook post that undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children, who the program grants legal protection, “are Americans in their hearts, in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper.”

Trump and his GOP enablers, on the other hand, are Americans only on paper.


“He said that he spent “years” as president asking Congress to send him a bill that would give such immigrants a path to citizenship.”

Hahahaha…and therein lies the problem. One thing I can guarantee you about the “fix” that gets enacted: it will equate to permanent non-voting limbo status.

EDIT: You know, the more I think about it, that’s what the Dems should put on the table after they grow some balls and plop those menacingly on the table as well. Trump and the GOP must eat this shitfest they served up and the way to do it is demand that any fix contain a reasonable pathway to citizenship or there’s no deal. Anything short of a pathway to citizenship is a non-solution anyway and it’s about time they stood up and fucking said so…,…and started using concepts like “no taxation without representation” in connection with it.

These GOP pricks want to claim taxation is slavery when they have the right to vote, which is beyond absurd, but it starts to come a lot fucking closer to the truth when you’re talking about telling these Dreamers that they can stay in the only country they’ve even known or identified with but only as non-voting, non-participating, non-represented, uncounted tax faucets for the white man’s oligarchy.

Pathway to citizenship or no deal. Eat that Trump. Eat that McConnell. Who do you REALLY think is going to get the blame when deportation raids start??? Hmmm?


A breath of Presidential air . . . I miss my sweet Barack.


It’s pretty much their entire platform except for hypocrisy and smear.


@sniffi, that’s the way I’m seeing it too. Adding anxiety to a portion of our population who are Americans except on paper and who won’t be allowed to vote or to run for office. Trump and Sessions should be ashamed of themselves but they won’t be.

Miss Obama every day.


Thank you President Obama for speaking out against the Trump administration’s eradication of DACA. It is a cruel,heart breaking, and foolish decision. To borrow the title from Bret Stephen’s opinion piece in the NY Times (9/3/2017), If You Want MAGA,Save DACA .


Once again, irasdad:


I really miss having this honorable man as President.


It’s gotta drive trump crazy that President Obama receives 100K genuine likes for his tweets within a few minutes, while trump has to rely on bots for the bulk of his likes.


Republicans are complete and utter Rectums, They controlled both
housed and they would not pass a Dream Act, now that they have their
Rectum in the White House they are going to pass a Dream Act… There
is only one thing coming out of these Rectum’s and that’s Bull Crap !!!


Damn straight it’s cruel. Well said, Pres. Obama.

But methinks that’s not a bug, but a feature. It’s political pandering to tRump’s “base” supporters, who truly are base.

Posturing at the expense of human lives placed in misery & jeopardy, without empathy for others.
Just what you’d expect from a sociopath


The answer is to make sure they pay a political price because their fig-leaf position to blame Obama for purportedly acting “illegally” does not get the push back it deserves. What should have happened is that the Ds ram through legislation when they had the chance to build a path to citizenship for all dreamers and a good chunk of the undocumented people in this country, too. The only thing holding them back was the R threat to make them pay politically (i.e., the ir cries of ‘amnesty’), but now the Ds paid the political price anyway and didn’t get anything permanent.

The D default defense crouch always always always comes back to bite them in the butt. Obama took an offensive position which was right, but he took it too late and the Rs could control the debate after he did it. Mostly, they don’t want to let anything Obama did stand. So let the lawsuits begin and we’ll see where the courts come down on it because Congress will never pass a DACA equivalent without some other poison pill because they hate non-white people and don’t want to give any room for those groups that overwhelmingly vote for Ds.


Indeed, it’s an authentic sociopath maneuver!


When? Democrats only controlled Congress with a supermajority for a few months. At that time, nobody thought even the GOP was cruel enough to do something like this.


It’s a tested product, one successful marketers use. It has garnered the GOP control of the House, the Senate, the Presidency and the majority of State Governorships and State legislatures. Why would you not employ it?