Discussion: Obama Calls Trump's Decision To End DACA 'Cruel' And 'Wrong'

Jee it is as if Harvey and Irma are a direct reflection of God’s disdain for the U.S. moral decline since Trump was elected .


Since laws concerning Naturalization is an enumerated power granted to Congress, who else would be responsible for establishing laws giving these people legal immigration status? It is certainly not the responsibility or under the authority granted to the President.

Oh, plucky, you’re offering up facts and reason where it’s clear that you’re responding to all criticism of D’s, all the time.

ETA: and just like that, up pops Putin bot and Trampologist justa.


You know what is going to be funny is when the cameras are rolling and it is President Trump who is signing legislation permanently granting “dreamers” legal status that can never be taken away, unlike the previous President who did nothing but give these people false hope until the courts overturned or future President’s overturned it.

You have a point based in actual facts to discuss? What I am I thinking, of course you have nothing of value to actually bring forward to discuss.

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It’s cruel, it’s thoughtless, backwards, mean …it’s Trump.


Make Obama President Again.

(in my dreams)


Republicans don’t need you to pass a Dream Act to grant them legal status. I guess you can be the party that opposes it.

Sadly, I can see Donnie reading this (or more likely, having it read to him) and saying “Well, obvioulsy this is the right thing to do, because Obama hates it!”

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But it was the anti-Obama thing to do?

Donnie had no choice…

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This is how a President behaves.


I believe the full title is Former President Before The Interregnum Barack Obama. What a welcome respite from the endless cacophony of cruelty it is to hear a reminder from that fabled time when national leaders thoughtfully and passionately defended the vulnerable from injustice.


Echidnas, sometimes known as spiny anteaters, belong to the family Tachyglossidae in the monotreme order of egg-laying mammals. The four extant species, together with the platypus, are the only surviving members of the order Monotremata and are the only living mammals that lay eggs. The diet of some species consists of ants and termites, but they are not closely related to the true anteaters of the Americas. Echidnas live in Australia and New Guinea.

Courtesy Wiki


Of course it’s cruel and wrong but trump doesn’t care. He is after anything you did sir. ANYTHING. Good, bad or indifferent. Doesn’t matter. If your name is associated with it then it’s bad in trump’s eyes. And some even say your executive order was an over reach as if you as President couldn’t issue executive orders because, well, skin color. Sen Graham said just a few minutes ago that your EO was an unconstitutional over reach. No matter that Congress had refused to act for a decade and a half and you had no other choice.

I don’t like hating people because it takes too much energy. But I can’t help it. Graham is a weasel. And decorum prevents me from posting what my true thoughts on trump are.


That being toilet paper, and they being shit stains on said toilet paper.


Read President Obama’s statement, and remember, for just a moment, what it was like to have an intelligent, compassionate, hard-working occupant in the Oval Office.


Thank you, Mr. President. We miss you so much. You cared about people and their welfare. Now, we are in a situation where people fear for their safety and welfare daily.


Since this is a “legal matter,” shouldn’t he have had Eric Holder or Loretta Lynch put the post on their Facebook page? Wait till Trump hears about this overreaching of former executive authority.

But seriously - thanks to a real President for putting the legal, moral, humane and what-should-be American values in the proper perspective.


No value to the topic, thanks for proving my point.

Trump: Thanks Obama. My supporters love this. More The Kenyan speaks, closer I get to winning the popular vote in 2020.