Discussion: NYT Investigation: Trump Engaged In 'Outright Fraud,' Helped Parents Evade Taxes

…oh, and this story just took a little wind out of the sails of the ongoing Kavanaugh fiasco. How convenient!


Fake IRS, Fake Parents, fake Sister, fake family ?


A prime example of the manipulation of the value of property is the story of Trump State Park. Rachel Maddow had a story on it during the campaign in 2016 (I don’t recall if it was the primaries or general)

Trump bought a house that had 436 acres of land for $2,000,000 in 1998 and tried to get approval to build a golf course. The municipality wouldn’t give him the zoning he wanted. He donated it to the state of NY in 2006 and claimed in the press conference that it was worth $100,000,000. While there is no question that the property probably had appreciated in 8 years - I can’t see it worth much more than $5 million which would have reflected an annual rate of increase of 12% per year. At that value, the deduction might have got him to break even.

While I doubt that he claimed $100,000,000; he had to claim at least $15,000,000 (or maybe more depending on how much he spent to try to get approvals) to make as much as simply selling it for what I think it was worth in 2006. If the IRS and NY Dept of Revenue accepted an inflated value, they should be embarrassed and if there is time to audit, should send Trump a bill for the taxes he evaded with this “charitable contribution.” The good thing about this particular scam is that it is pretty straightforward which makes it easy for regular folks to understand.



Woodward’s garage freak (Mark Felt as revealed later) was supposed to have said follow the money, he didn’t, but it made for great film. It’s as true then, though never expressed, as it is today.


Had been pretty down down on the Times.

“Here,” [grudgingly] “take your damn Pulitzer.”


The wheel of fortune has a flat tire…


“Sara, the president has built his entire reputation on the claim that he started his business with a $1 million loan from his father which he repaid with interest. Now that we know that he received over $140 million in tax-dodged payments just to keep him afloat during his multiple bankruptcies, would he like to correct the record?”

“I would refer all questions on that to the president’s legal team.”

“Yes, the FOX correspondent?”

“Than you Sara, can you give us any details about the First Lady’s trip to the country of Africa?”


The press can do two (or more) things at a time. Readers’ bandwidth is such we can process it all. trumpworld and its crimes have to be put on display any time they’re revealed.



He’s scared shitless.


Mikey says is if there’s something left in his checking account he’ll throw a few buck into the build the wall crusade. As if.


When you are a human fraud, business fraud becomes second nature…


“But… but… it was so long ago, why would the cowardly liberals smear the glorious president so!”

Well Junior, if the the bad man did bad stuff so long ago without being caught, it is damned likely that he has continued to do illegal things… having a president that has done many many illegal things means he is exposed to blackmail and may do anything to not get caught. Like giving side and cover to our enemies and weakening our relations with our allies.

No no. Don’t cry and rage Junior. Here’s your binky and blanket, you can go watch Fox now where they’ll tell you that you aren’t an immoral, shitty person for continuing to support a very bad man against overwhelming, daily evidence.


OT but I just gotta post this …

This is a direct quote from trump himself:

"I don’t think you should lie to Congress and there are
a lot of people over the past year who have lied to Congress," he said.
"For me, that would not be acceptable."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHahahahahahahaha(choke, gasp)…(deep breath) hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa crap.

Has trump ever testified to Congress or the FBI?? If he has then I would strongly suspect anything he said as being truthful.
If/when he talks to Mueller I hope this quote will be remembered. This man is a serial liar. We know this. EVERYBODY knows it whatever your politics are. For him to pose himself as an upright and honest citizen is…well… an insult. I feel insulted. Personally, because this man knows nothing about honesty and living up to one’s word. Since the inauguration trump has told over 5000 lies. It’s a daily if not hourly happening. Had I lied in my profession (teacher/scientist) I would have in short order lost my hard won reputation and my job. But trump seems to profit from being dishonest and telling his fucking lies. he goes from lie to lie and people seem inured to it all…like they don’t care. Well, I care.


I’ll second that, but Turtle has mastered the art of blustering, faking, seeming certain in any opinion he puts out, and it works a lot of the time.


I hope this time is not a lot of the time.


And the Kavanaugh story took the wind out of the sails of the Cohen and Manafort meetings with the Mueller team, not to mention the impending indictment of Roger Stone.

I don’t think anybody is going to lose sight of the Kavanaugh deal by week’s end but I do think that we can shift focus in the interim.


People who went to and were defrauded by Trump University should realize they actually got their money’s worth.


You are among people who care equally. He’s offensive and a grifting conman who ran for the probably the most important job in the world simply to have access to more money beginning with campaign donations which he thought were his to use after campaign expenses had been paid down.


After reading the entire NYT expose I feel compelled to repeat myself.
If it weren’t for Fred Trump’s wealth, Donald Trump and his sons’ livelihoods would have come from selling fake Rolex watches to tourists on Times Square.


The outcome of the lawsuit was very gratifying and it becomes more so when you know that the attorneys for the plaintiffs declined the fees they would usually get.