Discussion: NYT Faces Backlash For Headline On How 'We' Missed Rise Of Right-Wing Extremism

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Just the fact Tim Allen has a career is evidence enough we’re in the midst of a fascism plague.


“The Rise of Right-Wing Extremism, and How U.S. Law Enforcement Ignored It”


These guys probably wear butterflies, Tweedjackets with leatherpatches and smokes pipes with real tobacco ?

I’m glad they stopped my subscription, at the time were they tried the free subscription model.

and just because it’s the NYT I will repost this

Londoners troll New York Times with deluge of ‘petty crimes’
An appeal for victims of petty crime in the UK’s capital has been met with sarcasm


No. Seriously. How DID the NYT miss it? It was obvious to anyone, whether they were looking for it or not! The NYT and most of the “mainstream media” chose to view it all through it’s “both sides” sort of lens.

Fuck the NYT. Hope they rot in hell.


The NYT missed the rise of Conservative Extremism because they’re contemptuous of every one who warns them, and they dismiss as a leftist partisan everyone who tells them what’s happening, even when the people ringing the sirens are columnists in their own house - like Paul Krugman and Charles Blow.

NYT’s reporters, editors, and publishers have been so intent on proving to the right-wing that they were unbiased, centrist, and neutral, that they let themselves get turned into a both-sides justification tool for the right.


Oh, Lordy
I am going to have to go slap them around a little bit. See y’all on twitter…


This is case where both sides are guilty is sticking their collective heads in the sand over an issue that they cannot confront…

In one case they do not know how to confront it, on the other it is about denial that it even exists…

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Funny thing, New York Times, the Southern Poverty Law Center didn’t miss it. Many researchers didn’t miss it. For example:

An analysis of the Global Terrorism Database by researchers at the University of Maryland published in 2017 shows a “sharp increase” in the share of attacks by right-wing extremists, from 6% in the 2000s to 35% in the 2010s. The share of attacks by religious extremists also increased, from 9% to 53% between the two decades.

[source: Data shows more US terror attacks by right-wing and religious extremists]

The truth is that the rise in right-wing terrorism hasn’t been missed — it’s been denied.


If by ‘we’ they mean major media outlets ignored warning signs and evidence to keep up appearances that they are not ‘liberal rags’… then yes. They ignored evidence and probably suppressed stories to prevent a conservative exodus.


“The Rise of Right-Wing Extremism, and How We Missed It.”

Better Headline…

“Privileged Pink Press Pardons Political Prejudice in Pathetic Pattern of Placating Powerful Patrons.”


The NYT deserves a fucking backlash.

How about “We at the NYT missed…and we apologize and will do better.”


Subtitled: 'The Obamas weren’t being threatened, no sir."


The NYT is the paper of record for U.S. capitalist-imperialism, i.e., they don’t miss by accident. Fascists are a reserve army of capitalism, brought out or given a long leash or more when needed against labor, left-wingers, Blacks and other minorities, women, gays and certain mass opposition movements, such during Vietnam War.


lets be fair, the New York Times missed the rise of right-wing extremism because, well, they had important issues to foam at the mouth over like Hillary’s e-mail and Benghazi, and oh some Uranium deal. When you are confronting the most corrupt and venial presidential candidate in history (Killery) well its all hands on deck to slime her…


Jack Shafer used to flay these bogus NYT trend pieces over in Slate. This is roughly the equivalent of those Style section pieces about stylish women riding bicycles is a thing, or we’re drinking less vodka. It’d happen because some staffer saw two stylish women on bicycles in one week, or the local bartender said something about vodka and the staffer made a few calls about it. It’s a culture (not everyone guilty obvs) of lazy omniscience—your not knowing a thing means nobody knows about it, and when you learn about it, it’s new to everyone.


I want to sign up with another account so I can like this again.


I would say, “Better late than never,” but I suspect this is the last navel gazing they’ll do on the subject for many years.


It’s like that time the Times finally noticed that there was a homeless problem when their executives had to step over corpses on their way into their office building…


Or when it miraculously came to the realization that hiring stenographers was not such a great idea after all.

[source: https://www.nytimes.com/2004/05/26/world/from-the-editors-the-times-and-iraq.html]