Discussion: NYT: 5 Million Could Be Covered By Obama's Immigration Executive Action

Discussion for article #230131

So there’s still time to lay in digitalis, smelling salts and earplugs in advance of the Mother of All Right Wing Old White Conniption Fits.


Here comes the I word!


Time to go full Bulworth, Mr. President. Executive orders on immigration. Climate change. How about fast-tracking the Loretta Lynch nomination and making it clear that the Keystone XL will not be built as long as you’re President?

These people hate your guts, sir. It doesn’t matter what you say or do. You will never win them over. Not a single action you take will win you an iota of sympathy or cooperation from a bunch of bigoted hayseeds who have worked from Day 1 to destroy your Presidency at all costs.

Fuck them. You owe them nothing.


I still remember O’Reilly interviewing Sarah Palin years ago about immigration reform. All she wanted to talk about was securing the border. O’Reilly got tired of it and pressed her. He said okay secure the border,then what do we do with the 12-20M already here? Deport them? She said yes. She said what the Right Wing Old White Conniptioners won’t say. They want to deport the dreamers and the parents of the anchor babies and they want them to take the US citizen anchor babies with them. I say it’s time for Pres. Obama to get in their faces with IR and force them to say what they really mean.


I’ve got nothin’…none of the youtubez of monkeys throwing poop had enough monkeys all throwing it at once to provide a reasonable approximation of the GOP/Teatrolls reaction to this news.

On the other hand, I did find this useful metaphor for 'Murkin gun culture:


And fire extinguishers because the Old Crazy White Men are starting to self ignite right now.


About time. Should of helped these folks before the election – might-a helped Mark Udall in the process.


When are people going to start understanding Republican language: When they say they want time to work on a plan for immigration reform they are saying : we don’t want reform, never did and never will. The president must proceed and the nation needs to start understanding the disingenuous statements the Republicans issue to cover their real intent or lack thereof.


Meanwhile, GE built its new R&D plant in Brazil, but not in anyway because the US visa process is so onerous. But yeah, that’s part of it.

Is part of the reason to open this center in Brazil because it can be hard getting visas for engineers to work in your U.S. facilities?

I wouldn’t say that’s directly part of the calculus, but clearly that is a frustration for us. We certainly encourage the U.S. to relax visa restrictions so people can move around. Not just to come live in the U.S., but also to visit for a couple of months. So it wasn’t a driving force, but it is a side benefit.

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Whyever would you want to put them out? Just make sure you keep you distance and keep them clear of anything flammable.


HEre HE GOES. NObama ON the VerGE of POIsoning THE WELL. NOw WaTCH him GEt BURNed beCAUSe he’s PLAYINg with MATches. Do YOU libtards EVEr woNDer WHY we NEed to HAVE strONG vOTer ID laws??? BecaUSE wiTHOut them, ALL these ILLEGAls wiLL be voTIng demONRat iLLEGALLY. STOP minoritIES FROM steaLING aMerica AwaY from US. It’s NOT their COUNtry, It’s OURS!!!1!!!one!!1!!1!1


You said “should of”…You have to die a painful death now. I’m so sorry.


Thanks lgb. I needed a setup line for:
BoomBoom! Out go the whites…



Hopefully someone has thought to put the CDC on high alert status. An outbreak of rampant Apoplexy will surely devastate about 1/2 the populace should Obama do this.


Hell no. No fire extinguishers. Let them burn


Apparenlty never because the stupid lazy ass uniformed american voters elected them


Amen to that. That’s what happens when you have a decent man with integrity in the WH, but I love him for the decent wonderful man he is.


That would be wonderful and you expressed it perfectly (as a pipe dream).
But will we ever find out who this man in the WH is?


If it upsets the conservatives, it is clearly the way forward. Stay on track Mr. President, in fact expand your mandate to include immigrants from Asian countries, European countries, Canada, South America, Antarctica, Australia, Africa and any moon bases or space colonies. Go big or go home Mr. President.