hear hear!
and BTW, the only thing NYC should name after Trump is their sewage facilities.
beat me to it. There are 27 possible new locations for DT Park far more fitting.
Are there no Putnam or Westchester Cty. local area heroes for whom the park could be named?
Or name it after the black guy, heh heh heh.
After all his assets are seized amid the legal firestorm bearing down on him, if it comes to anything after his debts are paid they should convert it to some sort of interest-yielding deal and use it to support the museum of immigration at Ellis Island. Anonymously.
Great idea.
I appreciate the desire to emphasize Heather, especially in this situation – to slap Donnie in the face – but agree that perhaps a local civil rights/LBGTQ hero might be more fitting…?
Or the black guy. That would REALLY get Donnie’s goat.
Regardless, if the trend becomes such that step by step the name Trump disappears off the map, I’m all for it…!
Misleading – A sewage treatment plant actually accomplishes something useful to society.
It’s the WH Enemies List for you, Ms. Rozic.
Wear it as a badge of honor.
You’re in excellent company.
Trump donated the 430-acres of land to the state in 2006 under the condition that New York prominently display his name at the park
So basically he got the state to pay for a billboard (are there highway exit signs too?) and in exchange he likely got a huuuuge tax write-off and had set aside land that ten-to-one was a requirement anyway to offset environmental degradation elsewhere.
Win win! (for him, maybe not so much for NY taxpayers).
Well, if they are still somehow legally required to “prominently display his name”, then my suggestion is to call all of the toilet facilities “Trump Towers” — you can’t get much more prominent than having your name on the only facilities that EVERYBODY visits at the park. And think of all the signs that would have it too. Much more than just at the entrance gate…
Win, win!!
Well, AV Club [ answered my questions][1]!
- Tax write off: $100 million
- Failed investment (golf course deal fell through)
- Property contaminated by asbestos
- Closed since 2006 ($2500/year budget was too much)
- State couldn’t even raise funds to convert part of it to a dog park; too bad there’s not some super-wealthy billionaire donor who would have a vested interest in setting up a small endowment to pay for upkeep.
- Utterly dilapidated / scary.
This is an actual picture of it (more at the cited article):
[1]: https://news.avclub.com/donald-j-trump-state-park-is-as-ugly-and-dilapidated-a-1798258679
We tried to name a sewage plant after George W. Bush in San Francisco nine years ago, and even there it didn’t happen. But the times are different now.
WTF? Why does Trump have a park named after him in the first place. Let’s check the Wikipedia entry on the park. Oh holy shit.
Bought the property for $2 Million to make a golf course. Town refused to rezone it, so Trump “donated” it and wrote it off as a value of $100 Million.
The park was closed in 2015 and Trump has repeatedly tried to get the property back. The park has derelict buildings containing asbestos, it’s too costly to clean up and open the park.
Plus Dubya is smelling like a rose these days, thanks to Donnie Two Scoops.
Why am I not surprised???
Trump Towers, ha! That’s even better than the (actual, failed) plan to let dogs poop all over the grounds.
I don’t know… seems kinda fitting to leave it as it is. What a dump…
Wow. An abandoned, contaminated site that was used as the basis for tax evasion. That kinda makes a perfect emblem for trump.