I believe Time magazine also declared the GOP dead after the 2008 election. The GOP is a zombie that will take whatever form necessary to remain in force- provided it’s core belief of tax cuts for the rich survives.
They act like Trump is the only thing wrong with the party and they’d be doing great if Cruz or Kasich were the nominee…Wow!
For the 12% or so of the voting public that actually supported Trump during the primary-- absolutely.
Can Trump even double that number of voters in the GE? Debatable.
Even thinking if he somehow pulls in the high 20%-low 30% range of the popular vote in the GE?
He’s not going to magically woo minorities, women, nor disaffected ®s before November.
He cannot win without an unfathomable turn of events.
Four years after the Dukakis debacle (D)s elected a POTUS who started the Democratic Party’s rebuild.
So-- while the demise of the GOP may be overstated?
Conservatism must alter itself drastically or the ideology will die.
What the ® party itself becomes?
That’s actually up to what (D)s do to continue this assault in the mid-terms in 2018.
Which is precisely what the Gingrich foresaw in '92–
when he began engineering the GOP’s Contact With America.
I’d really be enjoying all this chaos on the other side…if it wasn’t the fact that -Holy Sh#t - Trump is the freakin nominee!!
Millions and millions of Republicans voted for him ALL of them will vote for him in Nov. believe that or we lose. Democrats must unite and Sanders needs to sit down right now, and help defeat Trump. Point made Sanders game over. Unless as I suspect, your end game is to take down the Democratic Party.
Cremation is the only answer.
I hope they’re really dead, but the problem is they’re going about it like every other murder-suicide: doing things in the wrong order.
Agreed. “True conservatism” is whatever it needs to be for the moment and will mold into whatever Trump is spewing. The Republicans do not support anyone. That isn’t how they work. They oppose (gays, aborters, brown people, “the establishment”).
The right wing hate machine will resume its normal operating procedure of demonizing the democrats and anything else that doesn’t look white enough and this will be a close election. It always is. To think that Hillary will have a cakewalk to the whitehouse is, IMHO, naive.
To assume Trump will lose this election would (indeed may) be a a huge mistake.
The defining value of Conservatism is to hold your personal interests above the common good. It won’t die and will continue to spring up wearing new disguises.
I’ll like anything with links to those videos in it.
The modern conservative is engaged in one of man’s oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness.
John Galbraith (1908 - 2006)
I was hoping that Trump’s was to take down the GOP, but, alas, I think he wants to sit in the Oval Office.
Regarding Bernie Sanders, I think he believes in his message and has for his whole political career. I hope, and expect, that he will work with the Clinton campaign to defeat this greedy, privileged child in his latest quest for the shiniest, most expensive toy that’s caught his eye. He is smart enough to know that a Trump administration would be the death of his dream.
There are other countries which are split into an “acceptable human” sector and a “lesser being” sector. But we are not writing about them right now (after the nomination of racist and xenophobe Donald Trump).
We are writing about the United States.
No one living to-day is responsible for the way in which “the races” divide and racial separation is strong enough to skew accurate and realistic reactions to socio-economic inequality. But until this country decides that an American is just THAT (apart from colour) then this herky-jerky blame-game will continue. To paraphrase one of the last lines from the film “The Big Short” …
“They’ll just blame minorities and poor people”.
One of the things that people in societies (amazingly) just let slide by their reality is the connection between power and “learning lessons”
The Allies in WWII educated Germans a hell of a lot. After their power put them into a position to have to learn.
American consumers would turn away from any teevee show which accurately described the nature of race and racial separation in the U.S. That’s power. So the lesson (that “race” between white and non-white working people is a 0.001%-friendly wedge issue) will never be learned.
So the GOP will have another permutation of the same thing.
The genius of Trump was his suckering the other GOP candidates into splitting their opposition to him in the early going, then using GOP winner-take-all rules to make himself get more delegates than warranted, then getting $2 Billion of free ad-space from ghoulish MSM fucks.
But his crowning jewel was the emotional part of his message: hate for “lesser people”.
I remember when the Republican Party stood for fidelity in marriage and keeping one’s word.
Too bad Donnie Dumpster doesn’t abide by musicians’ copyright protection at his rallies. To this day, he’s still using Rolling Stones music as he enters and exits the stage.
And this article was just written up today, so he’s been routinely ignoring their requests all along. Time for some of these artists to step up and instead of requests, go after him with some kind of formal legal action if they don’t want to be associated with this asshole for all time.
Lincoln would vomit if he saw the “new” republican party. A party that the KKK can be proud to be part of.
Perhaps they could call the company that chopped up and then buried the dead whale that washed ashore in L.A.
They were lies then. They are lies now. Same as it ever was.
I had exactly the same thought.