Well, Christie did cave. Maybe the notion of a quarantine sounds better in the abstract than when it’s put into practice with the bad results that were totally predictable to anyone who gave it a little thought, which Christie obviously didn’t. He saw what he thought was a political opportunity, and he took it before he thought about it.
Wasnt this going to be our national policy according to the Obnoxious One? #EpicFail
Wait a minute.
If such a doctor or nurse gets off a plane, shouldn’t everybody on the plane be sent to one of Christie’s internment camps?
Bullies generally back down when courageous people stand up to them.
“I think this is a policy that will become a national policy sooner rather than later. We have taken this action, and I have no second thoughts about it.” Chris Christie, yesterday on Fox News.
This was nothing but a cynical attempt to manipulate public fear. He’s learned well from Bush and Cheney. No leadership, just a heavy-handed appeal to base and cowardly impulses.
Leadership would be saying “Let’s calm down about all this and listen to the health experts”. Instead he (and Cuomo) opted to appear as heavy-handedas possible to put those selfish health workers in their place.
If she tried to leave, how would they have restrained her? Sniper shot, maybe?
Isn’t the damage done? He already held her against her will without any medical necessity and the conditions that she was kept under were inhumane.
Sue his ass says I, and watch him squirm for a few more months with this on top of the massive Bridgeghazi scandal and all that goes with that.
After being burnt toast, Christie is what?
On second thought!
Chris Christie, a serious clown.
The media always puts things in the most draconian us against them hyperbolic terms. Did Christie “cave” or did he just get some new information, and new advice and decide their was a better was a better way to handle the situation. I am no Christie fan either, but Jeez… people are allowed to change their mind
Indeed! Where does this slippery slope end? After the patient at Bellevue is treated and released, will all medical personnel who treated him be quarantined for 21 days? How about the TSA and customs employees who are doing the intake interviews at the airports? How about the personnel who take care of people in quarantine? Responsible public officials would listen to NIH and CDC and develop policies accordingly, instead of whipping up hysteria for no reason except their political futures.
Good old critical thinking skills have never failed me yet. Of course that is what the right fears most, because those of us who have them refuse to be scared to death by them so they can control us.
You’re counting on people to have read and remembered the news?
He caved. There was no “new information” unless you count “I’m not going to stand for this.” He’s just walking it back, as is Cuomo. This is how you look when one day you predict your stupid idea will be “national policy sooner than later” and say you have “no second thoughts,” and the very next day you have to start walking back your stupid idea. You look like an idiot, and you look like you caved to the nurse who stood up to you when you bullied her for political gain.
Looks like she made him the Joker. Good for her.
I have been asking that of so many of the extremely paranoid. What about the paramedics in those ambulances, or the people who clean and disinfect their homes, who are in direct contact with everything that sick person touched? Have they not also been allowed to return home to their families every night, so that if we allow this hysteria to get much worse, that even their family members should be put in quarantine because you know, they too could have been exposed?
This crap is a never ending spiral out of control, and those responsible for starting it and perpetuating it should feel ashamed, but we all know they are the ones incapable of feeling any shame, if their fear mongering gets them the results they wanted.
Sending her back to Maine?
Lord knows what kind of political grandstanding Governor LePage will try to make with this - probably open up an official state dungeon just for her.
The real damage is not to Christie (and Cuomo’s) political standing, which matter to no one but them, but to the effort to recruit desperately-needed health workers to save lives and fight this epidemic. Even though the initial idiocy has been mitigated somewhat, anyone thinking of going now knows that they are potential pawns in some politician’s re-election campaign. I doubt they will forget that.
No, Christie saw this crap he started as a cheap political opportunity, but he was too stupid to realize that before he issued that quarantine, that a REAL leader should have a plan in place for how to handle those he wants quarantined.
Having watched this political opportunist for a while, this was a stunt to make him look “Presidential”, but he looked like nothing but an inept fool, when that nurse decided to not take it lying down, and revealed to all of us just how horribly she had been treated. I am sure, that attorneys finally talked some sense into him, when they told him she did indeed have a suit against him for violations against her rights. He caved, because she had the balls to talk.
Poor guy, really. Nobody respects a presidentialish-standing manly man-man anymore. Does that lady go and call a lawyer instead of meekly taking it. Tut tut tut…