Discussion for article #229344
Wow, the 2016 Ebola President caves…can the 2014 Ebola Republican Congress be far behind?
Oh my Mr. Knee Jerk Reactionary, did the nurse actually having the audacity to tell the world how you were treating her like a criminal, and threatening a lawsuit because her civil rights were violated, by an ex US Attorney of all people, make you finally realize that you do not look like a leader, but a dangerous political opportunist, that would violate other American’s right for your cheap political ambitions?
You are the typical ego maniac, and have gotten away with being a bully for far too long, along with acting like a mobster against your enemies. Now you just ended up looking like an inept fool AGAIN!
A pawn in Christi’s political gamesmanship, is what that nurse was.
I’m betting his attorneys told him that the lawsuit against New Jersey over this would be a slam dunk due to a lack of medical necessity. He’s afraid of what millions of tax payer dollars being spent on a blatantly political move with no basis in science will look like in two years.
“after doctors and federal officials gave the green light.”
You mean, after the tempermental asshat finally listened to existing advice/information.
That was my conclusion as well, that the moment they determined she wasn’t infected and asymptomatic, “medical necessity” ceased and her “quarantine” became imprisonment instead. And while he might have been able to swing to a judge the idea of keeping her prisoner while tests were run, once they came back negative, he opened up the state to all sorts of liability.
But first she has to try to cross the bridge out of Ft. Lee.
Then again, he wasn’t too concerned about funneling hundreds of millions of dollars in state pension funds to his cronies as “investments.”
You go!!!
Call me pleasantly surprised. I really thought he had a political winner with the quarantine, I’m relieved he was scared off. Maybe there is more hope than I’d thought.
There’s always the Tappan Zee, further north.
Maybe imprisoning nurses for doing dangerous volunteer work doesn’t appeal to the public, not even in its current state of hysteria whipped up by the media/GOP.
If she were my daughter or close friend, I would have driven right up to that damned tent and taken her home. Those assholes have only their own political self interest in mind and don’t care who they hurt in the process. In this case they confined a caregiver without due process and made a mockery of her valiant service.
Unfortunately, it is appealing to the masses. According to the very unscientific NBC poll this morning, 94% of the people support mandatory quarantining of health workers returning from Africa’s hot zones.
One has to wonder, if they told that 94% how this nurse was being held, in an outside tent. Polls have gotten to be nothing more than a huge joke, because we all know they can easily get the responses they are looking for.
Or Bear Mountain
I hope she does sue and I hope she sues not just the state of New
Jersey but also Christie personally.
It always amazes me how the GOP is so eager to call everything
Democratic (and some things democratic) as Nazism yet they are
the worst abusers and most Nazi-like in their practices.
In that case, our policy should be to put them up with the rich folks at a five star hotel, not in an unheated tent in near-freezing conditions with only paper scrubs to wear.
I bet most of those people so inclined don’t know that’s what happened to a care giver brave and committed enough to stare down the risks in the name of mercy.
You and I are just plain on the same page, period.