Implies there’s someone with wit somewhere in this entire burning dumpster fire of shit-smelling foulness.
And don’t forget someone needs to check on how Nunes is paying for these two law suits. Is he using campaign funds, is his DC or district staff helping out on this?
Seems to me even if this is campaign gambit he still is a US Representative, thus a government official that is going to find out how the A1 really works, and the protection enshrined therein.
Also I hope that someone is checking Nunes’ campaign material, speeches delivered on the floor, his tweets, facebook page, emails to constituents, and so forth that he, or his staff produced, that hasn’t “lied and you defamed” amyone.
What about nachos? Got work some dairy in there.
So why is he, in particular, doing this? Riling up his donors and his base? Serving as cannon fodder? At the direction of putin? I wonder if he’s crossed the line for an ethics referral.
Oh no! Scrub all your old comments!!!
This really goes beyond firing up the base and donors. Two points: first, while Nunes’ actions appear to be baseless and frivolous under the law (I’m a retired lawyer, but have not studied these issues for a long time) remember that Unser Drumpfenfuhrer and his equally vile Republican enablers are packing the courts at an unprecedented rate (with the advantage of having blocked large numbers of Obama appointees over eight years) with far right ideologues, many, probably most, of whom are incompetent and/or indifferent to the law except to justify outcomes favoring Republican positions. The five right wingers on POTUS fall into the latter category and Thomas has explicitly called for NYT v. Sullivan to be overruled. Who knows how these “judges” would rule.
Second, and more important, this is part of an intentional tactic (and I’m betting you’ll see more of these, a lot more) to silence critics by making the cost of fighting lawsuits prohibitive, even if frivolous and even if defendants are ultimately successful. This is similar to the Peter Thiel financed lawsuit that shuttered Gawker. While big pocket media companies (NYT, WaPo, CNN) may be able to shoulder these costs, even they may have to think twice as these actions increase. And smaller companies face really tough choices.
good grief… what a moron. I hope whatever judge gets assigned just reams him out on these idiotic, frivolous suits. and charges him for all the court costs. including coffee…
He needs to be sentenced to stand at the blackboard, and copy out the first amendment, over and over, and over, and over, for the duration of a reasonable sentence, in addition to court costs.
In Monday’s suit, Nunes alleges that Mair conspired with a reporter at the Fresno Bee to ruin his reputation.
Sorry to break it to you, Devin, but it doesn’t take fake news to ruin your reputation. You’re an elected public official. You signed up to be in the barrel, 24/7.
You can quit, though, if you want to. That’d solve a lot of your problems.
A tiny part of me wants him to win, only to watch the suits against Trump pile up
I am no defamation expert, but, as an attorney, I rate his chances of winning as somewhere between “snowball’s chance in hell” and “jackshit” and his chances of getting hit with Anti-SLAPP Act violation liability as “pretty decent.” His chances of getting hit with Rule 11 sanctions are difficult to gauge because of the wide gap between Rule 11’s language (saying you can be forced to pay the other side’s fees if your claim lacks a good faith basis in existing law or makes a good faith argument for the reversal or extension of existing law) and the fact that judges hate hate hate hate hate actually awarding Rule 11 sanctions and often get made at attorneys for asking for them.
He’s had his 15 minutes, it’s time for him to be de-famed…
So what’s your take on the nexus between Thomas’ recent dangle practically inviting this sort of case, and whether that (despite all law and history to the contrary) may play a role in getting to the magic 5?
Moo, Devin. Mooooooooooooooo.
He’s using the court system the way Trump does, as a means to threaten opponents to back down and stop saying things about him. My big question is how he’s funding this strategy, or if he’s being supported in this by other money…that just might run afoul of campaign finance laws. My second question is why is he the one pursuing this…is it just ego, or is something else going on and this is a test to try to shut down press and personal opposition? If it works we’ll see a whole lot more of this from Republicans.
In the real world, there’s basically no basis for what is happening here, Nunes has been treated appropriately under our laws and should lose, badly, in all of these cases.
Is he the guy with the shovel, or the elephant?
What about anti-SLAPP motions?
Says it all. Bravo.
Yeah, and when the judge throws out your case for wasting the court’s time on cowshit, then you’ll go back onto Hannity and whine about “liberal judges” and “the deep state” blah blah blah, yeah, we know the drill.
Fuck off Nunes.
He does realize that in a defamation lawsuit that truth is a defense? Also as a public figure he needs to prove malice within the context of the SCOTUS rulings on defamation.