Discussion: NRA Tweets About Kids Having Fun At Shooting Range After Uzi Accident

Discussion for article #226953

The story the tweet linked to lists using animal-shaped targets and exploding targets as ways to keep kids engaged at the shooting range.

Damn right! Make killing just like a cartoon! THAT’LL keep kids interested!


Folks, you can’t make this shit up.


How much you wanna bet it was a man who tweeted this message from “NRA Women”?


I am not sure how our country has found itself so far down the road to insanity.


The story the tweet linked to lists using animal-shaped targets and exploding targets as ways to keep kids engaged at the shooting range.

Why stop there? How about targets that actually bleed when you hit them, and targets that let loose with cries of agony when struck? And if the kid hits the bull’s-eye, paramedics show up, apply pressure to the wounds on the target, and transport it to the nearest hospital.

The NRA is really falling down on the job, here. This is an opportunity to make sure the little ones are fully prepared for the life of tragic carnage for which gun ownership is preparing them.


Hey kids, how about exploding gun instructors?


Haha, you have no idea how right you are. I’m a freelance writer and I contribute to a lot of the sites that might put up a blog posting like the one mentioned in the article. I have had first-hand contact with the NRA Women outreach program.

They are all ridiculously hot, make a lot of videos where they get to do sexy things, and pretty much cater to their mostly-male audience. I always love writing about NRA Women efforts because I know I’ll be able to use a clickbait picture of a gorgeous woman with a gun.




This is going to continue until the guns are turned on the 1%. It’s only a matter of time before someone uses an assault rifle at the Bohemian Grove, a Koch Brothers gathering, the floor of the Stock exchange or at a Republican National Committee meeting.

When that happens, the very next day EVERY Republican in Congress will vote for gun confiscation.

Sure! Once the blood and brain matter are cleaned up, why, they can have themselves a great ol’ time playin’ like they’re shootin’ Muslims, black people, IRS agents, BLM officers, Unitarians, climate scientists, ob/gyns, and liberals.

“Shoot 'em in the nuts, Sally! Good girl! Now let’s all go to Chik-Fil-A for dinner, whaddya say? That was fun, wasn’t it?”

We’ve banned the manufacturing and sale of fucking lawn darts in this country because they’re deemed to be too dangerous.

But a nine-year-old with an Uzi? That’s freedom!

This country has jumped the shark. Truly, it has.


Next: Guns in Sunday School. Pastor Huckabee tells us Jesus was really shot by a firing squad you know. Jenny, show us your new pink Kid Ruger. Billy! Don’t put that in your mouth! Let’s replace that cross with an Uzi.

Roll on O river of fools.


Animal shaped targets really work. Urinals designed with a fake fly to aim at reduce spillage and bathroom clean up time dramatically.


This white-on-white violence is really getting out of hand.


And who can ever forget the classy Obama urinal cakes?


How do you get images to post reliably???

How about targets with hoodies and Skittles?
How about targets that crumple over and expose a bulls-eye on top of the heads?
How about targets that are left lying there for four hours while the family enjoys a burger and a triple bill of Rambo, Taps, and Red Dawn?


I do. try a google search on stories about the GOPOTea baggers. The rightward swing caused by the Tea Party and how it infected the NRA is another source. This began in Bush’s first term.