Discussion for article #247368
So this was pro-Trump? or was Trump lumped in with the slurs? KIDS LACK FOCUS!!
Just energetic Trump Youth–perhaps a bit misguided in their acts, but genuine in wanting to make America great again.
Their parents must be so proud…
No, really, their parents are probably proud.
Trump tweet in 3…2…1…
More Bernie supporters doing awful things. He needs to control his followers and not divide country. Sad!
Well, until their black-shirt uniforms arrive from Trump they have to prove their worth to their master.
This is a close as Trump will ever get to the inside of a church.
If only TPM made spray-paint, the kids never would have been able to write their message.
What frat are they in?
Pretty amazingly stupid for kids who had to be smart enough to get into Northwestern. Oh well. I guess being smart is no guarantee one´s not a racist homophobic asshole.
expletive and slur against African Americans,
I’m sure they meant “Thugs”…
Imagine how angry they must have been when his Chicago rally was called off.
Kids love me!! BRANDING!!
I’m more inclined to think this was an attempt at activist irony.
well, you know, Trump’s supporters are just very “passionate”
or at least that was one of the excuses du jour for the escalating violence at many Trump events…
Okay, listen up kids -
this is what happens when mommy and daddy are closely related
if ever there were two poster boys for inbreeding…
frankly, I wouldn’t put it past these two to actually be well-meaning but poor-thinking students who thought they were doing something good to help the cause against Trump.
Or, they are just privileged frat-boy douchebags.
Little shits. Surprised their heads aren’t shaved.
They will be expelled, right?
Geesh… at least they know where to send the bill for the cost of the public defender.
Next time you wonder where fast food restaurants find workers in their 40s and 50s, you’ll have this story to explain it. I wonder how long and hard these two worked to get into Northwestern, how much time and money their parents invested in their future, and how close to the end of today before they get expelled.