In my mind, at least the part where the emotions live, President Clinton is considering the matter with her trademark measured resolve. There are no good options, but she has many times weighed such delicate matters. I trust her knowledge and judgment.
If this seems escapist to you feel free to suggest a better approach. Oh, and have a great Fourth.
I fear that Drumpfie and the Infant will strut, beat their breasts, puff their cheeks, rant, rave, slaver and play chicken until one or the other hits the red button.
Lordy, I hope I am wrong.
Don’t worry, Donnie will launch a devastating response to North Korea, as fast as his pudgy little thumbs can type…
I’m not gonna worry …
until little donnie man baby pulls the Missouri out of mothballs —
Yup. Bluebird shaped brain farts. Then off to golf.
Donnie’s answer to this is trying to wraith China, but President Xi isn’t a Christie or a McMaster.
Later today: Donnie asks What’s a icy BM?
His twitter response was typical and reinforced that he does not take his job- as President of the United States of America- seriously. Japan, South Korea, and China will ignore him. I wish they’d tell him to shut the f*ck up.
NoKo seems like they don’t take him all that seriously either.
Militant Orangutan Donald Trump advised to continue insulting vapid actresses from his toilet than to ignorantly blather on world affairs.
— DPRK News Service (@DPRK_News) July 4, 2017
Thanks for the laugh. I really, really needed that!!
Nobody takes him seriously. Except himself.
That one must have left a mark.
Until he names Dennis as Ambassador … That’ll show 'em —
Wow—it’d be fun to crack a few beers, sit on the deck, and talk about what it means to take yourself seriously and does Trump do that. He lashes out at every perceived slight but is that taking yourself seriously, or something else? Anyway, think about it and I’ll be back in a minute with some brews.
For that conversation …
Better just make it a kegger —
So you’re suggesting the concept of “It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere” to discuss Donnie getting the “3 am phone call”?
Works for me…
But more than that,
But what Matt fails to point out is that Trumpler, intentionally or not, is signaling to South Korea and Japan that they are on their own.
Every day the SOB is president we’ll need something to help fight down the panic. A child’s laughter, a moving piece of music, a whole damn bunch of beer. Whatever it takes.
Jeet Heer didn’t fail to, though. The best-case scenario is we’re looking at a whole new realignment in which the U.S. is a lot less influential. The worst, you don’t want to think about.