Discussion: North Korea Claims It Tested First Intercontinental Missile

I have been throwing myself into trying to help some friends with their projects …

I then forget about my own ’ problems '… or at the least … they take on a proper perspective —

I have yet to resort to injections … so there’s that —


Mrs. Von Holst’s take is that Trump is ‘saavy’ enough to know that NoKo is going to be a heavy lift and there’s no ‘easy win’ for him. Military action would result in devastating loss of life and damage. Diplomacy is hard work and beyond his ken, so Trump will just ‘let NoKo go’. But our Military, which Trump has basically left up to the generals, well that’s another story. Edit. When all you have is a giant military industrial complex, every problem becomes force of arms.


One thing that struck me, even if it’s wearily familiar, is how pointless and petulant his whining sounded. No consequence envisioned. He just feels mildly insulted, like they left him off their Christmas-card list this year, and he’s venting. He also seems to have engaged in some sort of intraskull unilateral negotiation with the result it’s not his problem, it’s China and Japan’s.


The end result is that countries like Japan and Germany, which were, for all intents and purposes, disarmed after WWII, will now rearm themselves. Britain, which was winding down its military, has just launched a largish aircraft carrier and I understand that even Corbyn is not as invested on getting rid of the trident nukes as he once was. The world will become more dangerous.


It turns out that for a good portion of the 50’s, while the Ruskies were threatening us with their (not) missile-gap missiles, they couldn’t get a warhead to successfully re-enter the atmosphere, they just burned up. Natch they didn’t mention it and eventually they figured it out. The point being, this armageddon stuff is a lot harder than it looks.


Deflector-in-chief gets it right again, in his own 180-degrees-off way: it is time to “end this nonsense once and for all.”

Happy Independence Day!


You said this wasn’t going to happen, Con-man. You said you wouldn’t let it happen. And if NoKo did this there would be serious consequences. So…whatcha gonna do? I mean, besides tweet and play golf and watch TV and complain. Hope that Japan and China deal with it? Leave it up to them? That’s the answer of a leader? Kind of like letting Russia decide what happens to Assad in Syria? You’re a fraud, a fake and a loser.

[quote=“squirreltown, post:25, topic:58502”]
The point being, this armageddon stuff is a lot harder than it looks.
[/quote]Nobody knew Armageddon could be so complicated.


“North Korea has just launched another missile. Does this guy have anything better to do with his life?”

The irony of a president twittering that is over MANGOTUS’ head.

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Don’t get me wrong, I love the humor, and all of you, but this is a SERIOUS threat to South Korea, Japan and the United States. I hate saying this, but Kim Jong-un needs to be removed and fast. I don’t know if it calls for a military strike or some CIA bullshit, but Donnie better do something ASAP. China will balk, of course, as their economy is too good to mess with. Xi Jinping will roll with the tide, I assure you.

I dread saying this on the 4th of July, but North Korea needs a regime change. They are a rogue nation that needs to be crushed. My “pacifist,” self is disregarding everything I believe in. Yes, I am horrified by my post.

I had only one criticism of the Obama administration, he dropped the ball on North Korea. They are NOT a communist nation, but a dictatorship. I fret that that many American, Japanese, South Koreans and North Koreans are going to die in the process. F@cking shame.

Thoughts, as I respect all viewpoints. Be kind, I am one of you.


The “DPRK News Service” is a parody website.

I don’t remember the name of the official North Korean news site offhand.

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With all these missile tests the North Koreans are conducting what concerns me the most right now is that, given that they are figuring this out as they go, they are going to have a missile that will travel far but instead of splashing into the Sea of Japan as intended it will land on mainland Japan and then all hell is going to break loose.

Past that, as North Korea continues to improve on their nuke technology the big concern I have is with proliferation.

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We have two people, Trump and Kim Jong Un, who seem to see the world on a flat plane. Trump lives with the flat surface of a TV show and Kim Jong Un seems to see the world as a video game. He has enough control in his tiny world to make it a living game. There are some people you never want to see at the same party. I don’t think these two should be on the same planet.

OK thanks. Was retweeted by a generally serious ex-spook person who was obviously in on the joke. Official Pyongyang can be hard to tell apart from parodies.

These guys are good.

DPRK News Service‏ @DPRK_News Jul 3

Refugees created by US Politics and Incompetence often left stranded and homeless in international tragedy.

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So well said.

OK, so N. Korea may or may not have ICBM capability.

Trump’s stabs at “diplomacy” involve “working with China to influence N. Korea” (not going well) while China is increasing it’s territorial demands throughout the S. Pacific ( a diplomatic disaster).

How many people have any actual belief that Trump will resolve this problem gracefully? Do we need to put, say, the LA Area at risk to test Trump’s effectiveness at diplomacy? Is the entire country of Japan now in training now to “duck and cover?”

We have to handle the Trump problem ASAP. The welfare of the entire world is at stake.


Donald ain’t scared!