Discussion: North Carolina Guv Calls On Other States To Join Lawsuit Over Anti-LGBT Law

McCrory’s echoing the “Massive Resistance” revolt by 1950’s Southern politicians in defiance of Supreme Court public school desegregation rulings.

The dispute was eventually resolved via deployment of the National Guard to restore peace in cases where local elected officials persisted in defying federal laws.


Let me get this straight…He’s whining that 5 days is not enough time to respond, yet they passed the bill in a matter of hours (house-senate-governor)?


I am asking the opposite question, to be honest. Its like he is unaware that he is running for a 2nd term this year.

Staking out a position so deeply on this issue is an absolute epic failure, given how much negative crap his already facing. Right now he is only motivating an even bigger Democratic turn out in a general election year…over an issue that the majority of republicans disagree with him on!


I’ve been front and center on the litigation front for going on 15 years, and nothing in NC’s brief reflects any of the jurisprudence that has gone before on this issue. So, essentially, they are presenting an argument in support of their bigotry (ignorance), that itself is based on ignorance of the legal landscape as it exists today. Had they done so, the brief wouldn’t have been filed because they’d have realized their position is untenable.


This guy needs glasses.

And to make it easier for all his companions to find him, the Governor should wave some sort of identifying symbol… perhaps a flag of some sort…


He’s calling out Texas? Anyone answering?

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Here’s Frank Perry, the Secretary of Public Safety in NC Facebook’s page!

He made a claim. He needs to back it up. I doubt the DOJ did what he said they did…but he claimed it and he needs to back it up.

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yeah, that was my question.

So if I understand this right, essentially the guv and the NC Congress pulled this B.S. in order to prevent Charlotte from enacting common-sense LGBT laws; and are now screaming bloody murder that the Fed is calling them on the carpet for their specifically-targeted bigotry.

that about cover it?


McCrory should encourage other Southern states with the same issue to join with him in a special secession meeting to ensure the ongoing freedoms of Southerners from Northern, Western, Midwestern, and Northwestern tyranny of equality.

McCrory said he did not seek out the issue but was responding to policies being made at the local level in the city of Charlotte.

Short answer… Charlotte brought this on themselves.

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North Carolina Legislature…since you seem to be utterly obsessed with bathrooms and who might use one I have a few things to say to you.

  1. why do you so casually disregard a fundamental conservative belief that less regulation and less intrusive government is a good thing and something to be promoted
  2. I promise to never visit your state again so that I won’t be backed into having to use a public restroom and have my gender papers examined by some gender police person at the bathroom door. No pissing in North Carolina allowed.
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Here’s the lawyer and the law firm defending the 'Where you Poop" lawsuit!

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Try and try again…

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Exactly…although I think it’s that same question, just different views. What the hell is he so scared of that he’ll throw it all away to die on this hill?


Whether it’s actual women or cities with female names, they can’t help themselves with denying choices.


He hired an attorney based in South Carolina? With a porn name?

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I saw some of the press conference and I was quite surprised how underwhelming his “argument” seemed to be. In fact, it appeared as though he was basically saying “The government is interfering with NC’s public policies because I say so!” His assertion that Title IX doesn’t cover transgendered people and that this is a whole NEW situation that mankind is facing is laughable on its face.


So, he’s bitching about federal government overreach, when he, and this law, is overreaching into city government by the state? Hypocrisy much?


There is a NBC report that has McCrory relying on two private law firms for this case.

Those firms identies should be revealed any day now.

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