Oooooooooooh, I’ll bet you can cut the tension in the West Wing with a knife.
Sometimes it takes a while for the CliffsNotes version to hit the stands. Trump, of course, won’t know how to respond until Fox and Friends tells him.
Very interesting that no one thought to get a copy of these two books before the juicy parts were released. It’s almost as if…
Yes, Trump. They’re all out to get you.
As Lewis Black said to Christians about the Old Testament: “Its not your book.”
Or, in the case of Trump and his minions, the graphic version.
Only the best people…
I bet Donny wishes he was still in the money laundering business…
Who has the time to read? Or the ability, for that matter?
Are you sure he isn’t?
“Never attribute to malice what can be attributed to incompetence” is getting a workout here.
Books not ‘written’ by The Stable Genius President get confiscated by security and burned.
Dang, you beat me to it!
So, when does the Russian version publish?
We’re up to “Shaggy Dog” levels.
“Yeah, incompetent, but not that incompetent.”
Hell Trump ought to fire his entire senior staff and replace them with Chuck Grassley’s. Those guys can read 70,000 pages overnight.
One IS impressed by the amount of behind-Trump’s-backstabbing, and the contrast with public groveling.
Almost as if the Trump minions had no moral compass whatsoever.
My bet would be Trump would consider buying or reading those books a sign of disloyalty and he doesn’t have the experience to know that his staff should be prepared and he doesn’t listen when people tell him things. In short, being prepared for the bombshells would get staff in hot water, being clueless wouldn’t.
More evidence of incompetence and dysfunction.
Well. look who they decided to work for.
Transcribing an entire book into crayon drawings takes time!
Except they all knew it was coming out and supposedly, other than Graham, NO ONE told Trump about Woodward wanting to talk to him.
ETA: Didn’t they already know some of what was in the book? They provided the info, after all.