Discussion: Ninth Suspicious Package Found In Delaware Addressed To Joe Biden

And they say old- fashioned mail is outdated ?


CNN just showed the package to Biden. It was sent with 75Ā¢ Postage Due. Classless bastard!

BTW I heard a bomb expert yesterday say the FBI has lifted fingerprints off of exploded bombs. Wow!


If this is an attempt to really kill people, itā€™s failing and the apparent ineptness of the bomb-maker is fortunate - so far.

If itā€™s an attempt to intimidate people and the media from speaking out and reporting the truth, then letā€™s hope that fails, too.

Viva la resistance!


Only if they have written permission to look.


I have a hunch weā€™ll see an arrest in a few days. This has got to be one of the biggest red-ball cases since JFK was shot. And you canā€™t take nine packages to the post office without a ton of evidence being created. Obviously they can track everything back to where it came from and go from there, they can look at social media for hints, they can do all that crazy forensic stuff with a certain kind of ragweed pollen only found in such a place, all that. Three, four days.


FWIW, nearly all color laser printers code hidden metadata into printed pages. I notice that at least one of the packages had a computer-printed return address (with Debbie Wasserman-Schultzā€™ name) taped on. That might be how the FBI ends up catching the person who did this.



ā€œA law enforcement official said the devices were made with a 1-inch-by-6-inch length of PVC pipe filled with suspected pyrotechnic powder and broken glass to serve as shrapnel. They had a small button battery with a digital clock as a timer and a hot bridge wire initiator, the official said.ā€

Why would a mail bomb have a timer?

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9:13 am

1 more package found addressed to Biden

Total 10. And counting

Republicans response condemning Trumpā€™s hate speech

Total 0


ā€˜Safe armā€™ switch. Keep it from being able to be detonated in the mail system before it reached its target


When the person sending these devices is caught itā€™ll be 3 hots and a cot for eternity because the FBI/ATF and most any other kind of authority (trump excepted cuz he;s clueless) will be pissed at having to expend the resources.


I suspect this bursting carbuncle of hate so close to the election will have a salutary effect. The Deplorables will find it a little harder to justify their odium while the rationalists will be increasingly stoked.


Thatā€™s how they do it in the moviesā€¦


Premature detonation would cause all sorts of problems. @georgeh, you say "MAGABomber. That isnā€™t known for sure but itā€™s one working hypothesis out of many. My initial thought given who these things were sent to is a deranged trumper. You came to the same conclusion. We may yet be surprised.


CNN just showed the package to Biden.

The first time around I read this as intended. The second time around I thought, ā€œIsnā€™t that a bad idea?ā€.

hoping whomever is arrested is guarded better than Lee Harvey Oswald


As it has become customary, they are waiting to gauge the publicā€™s outrage before deciding if they should show some responsibility in governing or continue their total abdication and fealty to their leader.


Biggest mistake this bomber has made is sending a bomb to DeNiro. He knows too many New York Goodfellas.


Trump blames the media, rallies the braindead in RedStatefuckistan, grabs women by the pussy, jails babies, promotes assaulters, dismantles the economy, kowtows to despots, and STILL they line up to vote for GOP (him).

Guess who lives in a shithole country? We do.


Of course these people must be doing this to themselves. After all, they have nothing better to do with their time so why not hatch a plot to help the Democrats in the election. A Trump supporter would NEVER think of committing violence against their political opponents.

If you believe that, then I will be the next King of England.