Discussion for article #228234
And there’s America for you in a nutshell. Freedom of religion, as long as it’s Christian. Rules are enforced one way for white people and another for non-white people.
Yay NFL!
To be fair, the referee then penalized Tim Tebow for multiple past infractions.
Neither God nor Allah (if they exist) care about your friggin touchdowns. Get off your damn knees you morons (unless you are conceding a touchback). And stop beating on your wives and kids!
The No Fun League strikes again.
Why don’t they EVER penalize any Christian players for kneeling and then kissing their hand, double-banging their heart, and then pointing to the sky (this one is for YOU Jesus!)
Isn’t that also a “celebration”?
A Vine video of a play that is more than seven seconds long has to be the absolute dumbest way to try to show a highlight I’ve ever seen a journalistic web site use.
The NFL has done it again. One rule for Christians and another for Muslims. What a joke.
When is the NFL going to penalize players who cross them selves or point to the sky after a catch or touch down?
What a fraud the whole league is.
The NFL is disgusting.
The flag for Abdullah’s post-touchdown prayer stands in stark contrast to the way former Heisman Trophy winner Tim Tebow was celebrated for his habit of taking a knee in prayer during games.
That was the first thing I thought of when reading this piece.
But something tells me the Freedom Fighting Religion Riders won’t be out in full force complaining about this guy’s right to pray and how the “liberal” media is bashing his religious beliefs.
But good for the NFL for speaking out against that call.
Frankly I think the end zone celebrations have gotten old and stale. I enjoyed the celebrations for years, especially the “Icky Shuffle” done by Bengals running back Icky Woods. But now I think they just look stupid, I almost feel embarrassed for the players that do them. I have no problem with what the Chiefs player did, it wasn’t really what I would call a showboating TD celebration.
Cue the outrage on FoxNews over this infringement of religious freedom rights in 3…2…
1 and a half… 1 and a quarter… 1 and an eighth… 1 and a sixteenth… 1 and a 32nd… 1 and a 64th… 1 and a 128th… 1 and a 512th… 1 and a 1024th… 1 and a 2048th… 1 and a 4096th…
Bigotry and ignorance. The only thing in question is their relative proportion.
Since pointing to the sky or clasping one’s hand together while looking up at Sky Daddy isn’t penalized, I’m going with predominantly bigotry, even if there was ignorance that the player was engaging in like religious expression.
Perhaps it’d be best if they just kept their beliefs private instead of putting on a show for all to see.
Maybe the NFL should only hire Atheists to ensure no religious celebration.
Great pass by Brady, hit him right in stride…
And I think the ref thought it was a celebration, not a religious expression, that’s why he penalized him. Frankly, there should be NO celebrations or expressions. You get paid to play, so get over yourselves. You score a TD, throw the ball to the ref and go to the sidelines. What’s really funny is when these clowns celebrate a sack and their team is down 21-0. Just an absolute joke.
The world is dominated by superstitious cultists of one type or another. The practical answer is to keep those expressions of brainwashing to one’s self.
Actually the ref was just ignorant and thought it was a celebration, not a religious expression. And the league backed that up.
Why celebrations or religious expressions are allowed is another question. Your “god” could not give a damn about football.
If you go to this page on the Chiefs’ page, you can see the whole play.
Actually it was ignorance. The ref just had no clue. I see no bigotry, he just did not know.
If I am the ref, I ask the league to ban ALL religious nonsense on the field, as well as immature celebrations, etc. Jeeez, we had one idiot from the Lions last week who damaged his ACL pretty bad because he was doing a dickhead dance after a measly sack. Like little punk kids.
FOX will say it was a secret communication to ISIS…