Great pass by Brady, hit him perfectly in stride…love it…
Nonsense, I saw both of them at Binion’s last week betting the football slips…
That wasn’t even his worst INT of the night.
Horrible game for Brady. They actually put in the backup QB in the 4th quarter.
Does watching the entire play make clear that the interception was divine intervention?
Beautifully thrown interception.
Why is that? I don’t see the problem.
P.S. If you’re complaining about the duration of the clip, click the sound icon in the bottom right corner. The audio is of the official announcing the penalty.
Not to make excuses, but I can understand and forgive the ref not quite recognizing or understanding what Abdullah was doing as a religious expression and, rather than throw hissy fits about it, it’s pretty legitimate to say “ok, we understand the mistake, now let’s make sure to raise peoples’ awareness so it doesn’t happen again” without branding anyone a racist or bigoted pig in this instance. This strikes me as more a sign and product of our general cultural ignorance as a society, not malice. I’m one of the most vocal about the race and bigotry issues, but this one isn’t quite giving me the vapors…and I say that as a Pats fan who is still struggling to come to grips with last night’s game (not to mention the whole start to this season grrrrrr…).
“If I am the ref, I ask the league to ban ALL religious nonsense on the field”
No reason the ref would have known the guy was praying (moreover there is no guarantee that he was). The prayer exemption thing is stoopid anyway. What next, a buddhist fullback assumes the lotus position after flattening a linebacker to reach the end zone?
This is too devout and too cerebral for football. Football is about head trauma and snapped knee joints. It’s what made this country great. Just ask the former players who walk with a limp, dose themselves with vicodin, and can’t remember what they had for lunch.
No no…next: some jackass insists on wearing a colander on his head instead of a regulation helmet.
It all cuts both ways, which is why the religious demonstrations should be banned as well. Dudes can say a prayer or make pasta on the sideline after.
BTW, did Reid just refer to the endzone as “Mecca”? How is that not offensive or insensitive too?
and then the broncos replaced him with peyton manning! why do they hate america?
And we wonder why the rest of the world considers the US to be idiots. It’s because we are, especially when it come to religion that is not christian.
Then again, Tebow got black balled right out of the league for turning around a 1-4 Denver team and taking them to the playoffs.
Give me a break with all the bigotry comments. Ref didn’t realize he was praying because usually people don’t slide into prayer. Sliding ALWAYS gets people flagged for celebration. As for this stupid rule, either let it all go or none of it. Exceptions for religious people are ridiculous.
Nonono, you don’t understand. The penalty flag was the officials’ way of honoring Abdullah’s faith.
A poll of non-Muslims on the Competition Committee showed widespread agreement with the sentence, “I don’t understand why these Muslims are so offended when we decorate the field in festive yellow as part of their celebration.”
I’m not sure what a prayer to the FSM looks like but I hope somebody does one just to make a point.
Tebow’s colossal ego got him out of the league.
Of course, any player should be allowed to do religious stuff on the field, regardless of his religion.
That said, I doubt that She is a football fan, and I’d bet She would rather fans and players stop insulting her by invoking her favor in their silly game.
Well, that and his colossal absence of talent hehe