After NYT’s coverage of Clinton, this is almost a surprise. Almost.
Their coverage of Clinton over the years has been so wrong, based more on speculation and sexism rather than facts, but this is no surprise.
How could a legitimate newspaper with any credibility do otherwise?
I wonder why NYT didn’t wait to publish tomorrow, in its largest circulation edition?
Yes, and since the first President Clinton. I can still see in my mind, but not forgive, that NYT Magazine headlined “Saint Hillary”.
It will be in the print edition tomorrow. Also I want to see which papers endorse HO. You just know there will be one or two.
Really? I thought that they were all in for Sanders.
At least they put a nice picture of her up. I’ll never forget that when she was nominated they only had a picture of some conventioneers, holding up signs, none of which spelled either Hillary or Clinton fully. Some archive for the ages!
Sometime when this movie’s on TV I record and FF to these few minutes. You do know that’s Rob Reiner’s mom who says (gotta take a sec to laugh right here) “I’ll have what she’s having.”
Yeah. I just read it and saw “A version of this editorial appears in print on September 25, 2016, on page SR10 of the New York edition with the headline: Hillary Clinton for President” at the bottom.
Our endorsement is rooted in respect
Bullshit. The NYT, including their editorial board, has done little more than disrespect Hillary Clinton going on 25 years. It’s a no brainer to endorse Clinton over Trump, what they should do is apologize for the slandering of both the Clintons then begin holding Trump lies and deceit without the ever present “but Hillary also lied…” bullshit they reflexively pull.
Cancel your NYT subscription until they do (and while you’re at it, read WaPo, they’ve been doing much better and honest coverage of both candidates).
I can’t wait to read their “Not Trump” one on Monday. Bet it’s a doozy.
They’re doing the right thing for the country (and reason, and decency, and history) now, though, and that’s what matters most.
I echo that!
Maybe we will get lucky and see Maureen Dowd resign from the Times over this…
Oh, please let that be the case.
The New York Times ceased to be a credible news source years ago.
Never ending bashing of HRC, now you endorse her?
Hmm…color me surprised!
Honestly, I found it a very unimpressive endorsement compared to the unbelievable endorsement by the very conservative Cincinnati Enquirer which was a real page turner.