Discussion: New Trump Ad Calls Dems ‘Complicit’ In Murders By Undocumented Immigrants

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Grotesque outrageous allegations from someone who can only be characterized as grotesque and outrageous! Words cannot express the vulgarity of Trump.


No racist. You’re the racist.


“Why won’t Democrats accept the terms we dictate negotiate with us?”


President Chaos, hoping for violence.


And the Republicans are complicit in every murder committed by U.S. citizens who, on average, are more dangerous than undocumented immigrants.


You know, it’s really stunning that Donald Trump is an ignorant, out-loud-proud racist, and he’s the President of the United States.

No. Just no. He has to go.


Let the flailing begin!

OK, OK, It began a year ago, so what.


Does this mean Republicans are complicit in every gun death caused by crazy people and criminals who get guns because the NRA refuses to let us have any gun control at all? No? Didn’t think so.

Sadly, if an illegal immigrant kills people with an AR-15 due to lack of gun control, it’s their status as an illegal immigrant that is the sole cause of the crime and not the weapon they used to commit it. And the only thing we can do to stop it is build a wall and buy more guns, because the NRA works for gun manufacturers and fear is their primary marketing tool.


How I feel about tRump and his minions:


30 seconds with not one mention of ‘no collusion!’. Kudos to you, Trump, kudos to you.


Okay. So the Trump Administration is complicit in murders committed by White Nationalist.


The Republicans are letting their inner fascist out.


I had a nice Trump Supporter come to my Facebook page yesterday to tell me that DACA meant that Dreamers were all put on welfare and were supposed to get jobs but won’t, which is why we need to deport them because they won’t support themselves. And under our current immigration laws, Chain Migration and Visa Lottery means we’ll soon have 900 million immigrants on welfare and the rest of us will have to support them. That’s why she wanted tougher immigration laws and a wall, to protect us from this obviously ludicrous situation.

She seemed very nice with no hints of blatant racism. These are the Trump Supporters who scare me most. They’re not all deplorables. Many of them just don’t know any better and the only thing they hear from liberals are insults, so there’s no reason they’d learn the truth.


Methinks you got trolled.


Bullcrap. I don’t know any people who are DACA, but I am perfectly fine with letting them be here. It’s a big country We have room, and they need room to grow.

She’s a stupid effing moron.

because the NRA works for gun manufacturers and fear is their primary marketing tool.

And the NRA works for Russia, apparently, and gets paid handsomely.


Apparently “rapist” has lost some of its appeal, “murderers” is a bump up on the Trumpladyte anxiety scale.

Trump’s appealing ONLY to his basest base. Something about that fact is foreboding.

It is as if they really do believe they don’t need women OR minorities or educated men to get elected.

Watching the overwhelming crowds of those very demographics marching nationwide, en masse and mad as hornets, just makes me wonder, WHAT ARE THE REPUBLICANS THINKING?

They seem blissfully unaware of the wave rolling in.


You don’t release an ad like this if you really want to help Dreamers. It’s all a scam. Republicans are taking Dems for a ride on DACA like Lucy with the football. But now they’ve exposed their true beliefs, and it has nothing to do with “love”.

Republicans clearly want to deport Dreamers, but don’t want to face public opprobrium. I should be used to it by now, but the hatred they harbor for real human beings still astonishes me.


I think they’re pretty good pretenders.

That’s about all they’re good at.


I’m with you in that many of them aren’t necessarily personally hateful, they’re just astonishingly ignorant and illogical. What I’m less sure of is to what extent they’re going to be talked out of it by strangers. I agree that insulting them accomplishes nothing, and is counterproductive. But there are people below a certain level of awareness that you have to write off as far as persuasion goes. The training we do in my own local Democratic group suggests putting your effort into people whose positions are closer to ours than they realize, and who are willing to listen to you and capable of understanding a logical argument.

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