Discussion: New RNC Hispanic Media Relations Chief Deleted Tweets Critical Of Trump

What about the RNC head of White Nationalist Relations? They doing OK?


What do you mean ? She was probably picked by Dr.Carson !


Of course she did.

There are two kinds of Hispanic professional Republicans: Those who have deleted social media posts critical of Donald Trump, and those who soon will.

Welcome to the meltdown. It doesn’t speak well of you as a Republican, that you didn’t see this coming.


Speaking of making Trump look bad, I anxiously await Josh’s promised piece about questions regarding Trump’s actual net worth, Personally, I’m of the opinion that far from being a multi-billionaire, in terms of actual tangible assets, there’s a very good chance that Trump has a NEGATIVE net worth. This opinion is reinforced by Trump’s almost pathological defensiveness whenever his net worth is even questioned. Some reports suggest that Trump has tangible assets of “only” about $100-150 million. But many of “his” real estate holdings would no doubt have included substantial financing, and if past transactions are any indication, probably some personal guaranties, and it would not surprise me at all if at any given time, those liabilities exceed, if not FAR exceed the value of the actual tangible assets he owns personally. What Trump has always done is assign a massive claimed value to intangible assets – the supposed value of his “brand” and his “goodwill” – versus actual, tangible, quantifiable assets. He quite literally claims that his brand and goodwill alone are worth billions – completely aside from any actual, tangible assets that they have actually generated. As a result, I’m of the opinion that as with everything else about Trump, he’s a total fraud – his claimed net worth, like his policies, is based on nothing but bluff and bluster.

Delete away, Ms. Ferre!


The “the system is rigged!” cry works for Sanders and Trump because it creates True Believers. There has to be a Venn diagram of this somewhere.


I anxiously await Josh’s promised piece about questions about Trump’s actual net worth

You know, it is a bit like strip tease, it wouldn’t be fun, if she drops everything at once, some tittilation etc is needed,.

Josh and the rest of the media will prefer to keep Trump alive for a long time to harvest most clicks possilble.


My first thought was why didn’t the RNC check on her past statements about the nominee before hiring her on as Chief Hispanic Outreach
? Did they not realize people would look into it?
How is she going to convince Hispanics to climb on board with Trump when she has cited polls and stories saying the contrary? How can they explain away her obvious about-face? Did they not care and figured the public wouldn’t either?

This is so half-assed of them. Was there no one else who wanted this gig? Was the available choices from the pool that small???
Either way, this looks really bad for them.


Ralph, here is info from Nate Silver
the update time is listed. Nate does poll averages. Enjoy. I cannot WAIT until this fucker is out of the way. Remember
D-Day 2.0= 7 June 2016

[2016 Primary Forecasts
The odds and polls for presidential primaries and caucuses, updated daily.
How this works »

UPDATED 9:19 AM EDT | JUN 2, 2016

E California Democratic primary
According to our latest polls-plus forecast, Hillary Clinton has a 94% chance of winning the California primary.]


You know, at this point, I don’t think the RNC really cares about it. They know Rump will get an even SMALLER percentage of the Hispanic vote than Mittens did and so why bother vetting the Hispanic media shill. I think they realize that there really is no defending the indefensible. Hispanics aren’t buying the garbage Rump is selling and so, the outreach program, to the extent that it even exists, is just a sham.

That’ s why the RNC isn’t putting nearly as much much money and manpower into Rump as they are with the down ballot races. Why bother?


When you are a POS with no ethics, no morals and no conscience, sweeping things under the rug is the most natural thing in the world.

But denial ain’t a river—Republicans have a terrible habit of running like scaredy cats from all the things that scare them, pouting, stomping and denying. If they were really brave and responsible they’d confront things, not bury their heads in the sand.

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Note JEB on the milk carton


She was probably threatened with deportion to Mexico. .

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Exactly my thoughts. The principled one leaves with grace, the ambitious toes the line and sucks up.

Welcome to the new improved GOP.


“low energy”



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I am sure that Hillary has a special group of numbers crunchers designated for trying to get a handle on how many whites are going to actually vote in November.

  • How many, overall, are in favour of Trump?

  • How many of the latter will actually vote for Trump?

  • Will the white males (who are far more pro-Trump) outvote the white women?

  • Will the whites with no college (more pro Trump) outvote those with college?

Suppose one is sitting in their living room on Election Night
just in time to hear Tweety say, “It’s unbelievable. This defies all pollsters. There is a trend afoot that the pundits did not anticipate. Poll workers across the nation say that they have never before seen so many whites coming out to vote, in many instances increasing their turnout by 75%.”

I am talking about an extreme version of identity politics. Black South Africans (who I worked with) were entirely justified in their identity politics, in my opinion
but a person or group is free to have whatever rationale he/she/it wishes for THEIR identity politics. Nativists, in their own minds, have always had plenty of reasons for their feelings of victimhood
How many of them are there? After the Trump defeat of Cruz, Trump’s support went from a minority of Primary voters to nearly the entire GOP, which has a sterling record with whites
It’s not like Trump has a minority of them
will they increase their vote?

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Still off topic but the article mentions what might happen if Sanders’ people get to the polls, and with that in mind, there’s this. I expect her lead to increase once Sanders is no longer a candidate.

A Federal judge refused Wednesday to reopen voter registration in California ahead of next week’s presidential primary, telling a group led by backers of Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders that the rights of the state’s unaffiliated voters have not been harmed.


I just now took a look at Nate Silver’s prediction. It cheered me.

