Now, let us see if that translates into pressure on McConnell. (I think Trump is living in his own fantasy world where he is still overwhelming popular, and is likely to veto anything that doesn’t give him his way. We are going to need to override that veto, which would be a glorious moment, although I hope it isn’t wasted on just another bumping down the road. I very much like Nancy Pelosi’s idea to fund other areas outside of Homeland Security until the end of the fiscal year. Leave the controversy for the area that is controversial . . . and get a CR in the meantime to let people in that area get paid.)
McConnell could end this in 5 minutes. I’m assuming he’s not running for re-election, and he knows his wife/beard will be out of a job anyway, so he’s going to stick with his corporate and Russian benefactors and pad his coming retirement into his golden shell.
You’d have to be stupid to blame anyone else.
I had not seen this photo before. Really looking extra schlubby there Tedster. That jacket really does it for you…
Wow. Look at all those drugs seized at the border. We need a wall!
Take the 117 kilos of methamphetamines and 12 kilos of heroin they neatly piled up. Officials at a port of entry discovered them after screening a commercial load with X-ray technology and sniffing dogs. Statistics show stashing illegal cargo in vehicles and driving through ports of entry is the most common way of smuggling in meth and heroin
I assume that he is terrified of being thrown out in a primary (and actually having to work for re-election). If poll numbers look bad enough for the Republicans as we approach 2020, I could see him standing down rather than losing his power.
This is the problem with democracy in polling, the wrong people get asked the questions.
I agree. He’s not being pro-active for the wall, and supporting Trump. He’s like the guy who’s a year away from retirement and doesn’t want to do anything that will mess up his exit. He’s gotta make sure he takes all his sick leave, and start no new projects that could blow up in his face.
Assuming the position of the latest lackey go-along with no self-respect or integrity.
I was just wasting time “arguing politics on FB” with a Fox news devotee who insists our government “isn’t interested in our security” because it refuses 45 his wall. I can’t understand how these people have become fixated on the wall as the be-all and end-all solution to national security and crime prevention…oh wait, I can. They gave “I alone can fix it” their vote and their full endorsement. Maddening.
Trump doesn’t govern for anyone other than his base, so he doesn’t care too much what the polls say. But this, you’d think, would terrify McConnell and other more perceptive Republicans. For them to stand by and do nothing, either they’re concerned about being primaried from the right or think this will blow over, like other shutdowns, by 2020. I believe that would be a miscalculation. This one feels sticky.
Politician sees the youngsters with the trés hip facial hair, tries to adopt it not noticing that the youngsters aren’t friggin grey, and adds ten years to his look. Brilliant.
We’d have the same poling no matter how egregious Trump’s behavior. Switch “shutdown” for anything else, e.g., Trump murdering someone on 5th Avenue.
55 percent of Americans blame Trump for the murder, while 32 percent blame congressional Democrats and nine percent blame both. (Three percent blamed neither and one percent had no opinion.)
Yeah, what happened to those 100M tons of drugs that were going to be at Trump’s border photo-op, according to White House spokesperson Hogan Gidley the other day? I guess Hogan thought Trump was going to Denver.
that idea sounds to easy and way to full of commonsense.
Something this country seriously lacks.
besides with trump it’s a zero sum gain.
it’s either I win and nothing else matters, even the subject.
McConnell has to be quivering and most likely will find some little piece of senate magic to make trump the winner in his eyes and give nancy more than she can dare refuse.
gop will brag and the dems go back to work actually getting more for the buck. But in the alternate trump universe. he won bigly.
Imbecile in the WH, do you know how to read polls? Neither the shutdown or the edifice to you are in your favor. Just sabotage everything and see where that gets you.
He looks like a homeless drifter, but hey, on the upside, he might actually get a reciprocal hug from his daughter this time.
It’s like when you see a before and after picture for a product and they both look pretty unappetizing, it kind of leaves you scratching your head.
To quote Lincoln: "You can fool some of the people all of the time . . . " Evidently, even Trumps admission at the outset in a televised interview that he’s responsible doesn’t register with these folks.
I saw clips of our Ass-Steamed Senior Senator from South Carolina doing his usual castrated chihuahua imitation for the Sunday Pundit Variety Shows.
My, Lindsey’s career sure has gone downhill since “Mean Girls”, hasn’t it?