Discussion for article #224344
PUHLEEZ! Health Care SHOULD BE NON-PROFIT… This is why the US Healt Care is so very DISMAL! AMA and others should stop bottomfeeding off the ill.
When more people can see a doctor fewer will have to go to an ER so they’ll be less money spent overall. Also, hospitals get less money, on average from people who have insurance than from those who don’t.
One of the main goals of healthcare reform was to lower the cost of healthcare…but I’m sure that the cons can pluck a turd from this rose garden.
Quit calling it “Obamacare.” It’s become a pejorative and is as sophomoric as “Democrat Party.”
President Obama said long ago he doesn’t mind it being called Obamacare. Though I use “ACA” myself when conversing with righty friends on the topic just to confuse and befuddle them.
I was at function a few weeks ago (lot of rich folks but many old school Dems-liberal elites I think they’re referred to as) sitting next to a righty friend, 50ish, nice guy really, just loves the righty world, both his parents are lefties so go figure. Anyway, he starts up with that Obamacare shit at the dinner table of 6 people. He carries on for a few minutes then his cousin, who owns a decent size business, quietly, calmly but absolutely took him down by saying his business has saved plenty of money since using ACA for his employees and the employees are happy with it, win-win. It was beautiful to behold and I got to keep my mouth shut and just watch. Of course this in KY so we have a pretty good system here. I have ACA myself and it’s fine.
We’re calling it Obamacare to rub it in the hater’s faces. It’s going to be great, 10+ years from now, when it’s gone through years of incrimental improvements to call it Obamacare. When no one wants to give it up, they will be asking to keep Obamacare. Calling it Obamacare is like giving a middle finger to the baggers.
Keep your hands of my Obamacare!
I agree with Jeffrey. I cringe every time I see someone on our side use the pejorative “Obamacare”. Affordable Care Act is not that much harder to type.
In reply to the article. In mid-March, I helped two friends, a husband and wife in their mid-40s, obtain health insurance by taking the husband to confer with an ACA navigator. The wife had surgery a few days ago that would never have happened without the insurance. The husband will have surgery in late July to deal with a very painful back problem that is preventing him from working. Again, without the insurance, the surgery would not have happened.
This is health care spending that is happening in the current quarter and is a result of the ACA.
All together now…
…or words to that effect.
Nuh-uhh. The script has been successfully flipped, for the most part. The RW may use it as a pejorative, but the people who know what it’s actually doing are quite happy to call it that. (And yah, I want RWers to cringe 10 years from now every time an incremental change happens to make it just a little bit better.)
Yes! The Republicans originally labeled it Obamacare as a pejorative. The media picked it up because it hit an emotional chord (especially for the haters). Obama played them by adopting the name himself, and now that it’s succeeding, one goal at a time, the Repubs are bamboozled.
Republicans ranted for years that the sky was falling and Obamacare would crash the economy, so they’d have to waste taxpayer money voting 50 times to repeal it. Most Americans starting to realize how wrong they are. For the next 20 years, every time a lying hate-filled Republican hears the term “Obamacare,” I hope it stings.
Like anointing vampi®es with blessed Holy Water.
It is no longer a pejorative, and the GOP will rue the day the permanently attached a partisan name to it.
Imagine if Social Security to Medicare was called Democratic Security to Roosevelt Security or Johnsoncare?
“Don’t you dare screw around with my Democratic Security!”
This will be positive brand identification for Democrats for generations.
Why is it going down a good thing? Simple! It means that people have coverage and can now go to the doctor’s office for preventive care rather than go to the (much more expensive) ER for emergency care. Every drop in costs and spending means we are slowly crawling out of the dark cave and towards the light of and enlightened health care system for all, and that means our costs would begin to close the gap with other nations that cover everyone and spend far less for better outcomes.
Not only that, but the money they aren’t spending on healthcare in the 1st quarter they can spend on non-healthcare consumption in Q2, Q3, etc. Early estimates for Q2 show robust economic growth.
So, the net profits of health care corporations will ultimately increase?
That is the worst, phuggin’, Communism I have ever seen.
Haters and spinners will say what they usually say about ACA and the facts are flexible for them, but an important unassailable fact remains: Of those people signing up for ACA a great majority, maybe as much as 57%, had never been insured before. Think of it. Preventable diseases and life threatening illnesses went undetected. No wellness checkups such as mammography were done. I’ve been fortunate enough to have had employer provided coverage all my working life and now as a retiree, and also am eligible for Medicare and can’t imagine life without it.
South Dakota has thick binders full of evidence for impeachment!
And some pretty thick legislators, also too and as well!
The corporate royalists will not stop trying to end Medicare. I’ve only got 9 years to go myself, and on that day, I want Medicare, NOT goddamn coupons.
We must be vigilant and above all, get people out to vote.
Yer doin’ it wrong.