Discussion: New Evidence Emerges Of Possible Wrongdoing By Trump Inaugural Cmte


The treasonous p.o.s. has been grifting his entire worthless life. Did anyone really expect him to give the con game up just because he got “elected” president?


Can you say RICO boys and girls
It stands for Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act
It provides for extended criminal penalties and a civil cause of action for acts performed as part of an ongoing criminal organization.
Trump & Family = ongoing criminal organization.
It has brought down many wise ass gangsters and thugs who thought they were above the law.
You’re just another common criminal Donnie and the orange jumpsuit will look the same on you as everybody else


Process Crime!! Nothing criminal, YOU’RE the CRIMINAL!!!

Although, by Shitgibbon’s and Traitor Turtle’s definition, putting out a contract hit on someone would also be just a “process crime.”


So much self dealing with these clowns.


My impression is that in this country this kind of corruption has always been tolerated to the extent you’re discreet about it. Don’t rip off the citizens, don’t demand bribes for building permits and stuff, but if you want to cut corners as far as self-dealing and so forth go for it but just for Christ’s sake don’t let it be a scandal. Trump was part of that world. But because he’s mentally ill, he thought he could ratchet it up to international scale and get away with it as a president. That’s how much the genius dealmaker misunderstood the fundamental terms of this particular deal.


with the full help and agreement of the GOP - he ain’t in jail yet ya know


Strip all furnishings out of the Trump Tower and turn it into the North American version of the Tower of London, then put Mr. Deal Maker and all the family there to live out their lives. They can peer out the upper windows at the world they once knew while living in the Tower of London.


Today’s episode of Adventures in Griftopia.


True story - I am a close acquaintance of the director of a DC-area nonprofit (public health focused) that runs an annual fundraising event requiring a partial closure of Pennsylvania Ave. The event has been run annually for many years. The year the Trump International Hotel opened, the Trump organization demanded several thousand dollar reimbursement for the inconvenience of the road closure. Never before in the history of the event had any of the impacted businesses made such a demand. The nonprofit was dumbfounded but had to pay the fee. And moved the event location the following year.

The entire Trump organization is rotten to the core.


In fact, enriching himself from the presidency is Trump’s sole motivation for the job. He is trying to be the richest a…hole on earth, with no compunctions for breaking all and any laws. He figures he’s above the law and his attorneys will handle problems just fine, like always. Enriching himself is in fact Trump’s sole motivation in his corrupt life, legal or not.


How the fuck else was he going to launder inaugural gifts from foreign oligarchs?


As usual Fridays always provide the dotard with plenty conversation topics to discuss with his buddies in Mar-a-lago and do his usual self-pity ritual on twitter…

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You like his odds? :smile:


How great would it be if the 2 organizations dissolve in 2020.

Trump Organization & Presidency
National Enquirer (AMI Media)


Why do I feel bilked? Does anyone else feel bilked?


What? It’s a nice space. Completely high quality, I can tell you that. Very, very fine people running the place…

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“Possible violations” never seem to materialize when the white guys go before the white Republican male justices. Protected by the system.


I will donate $10 to the charity of your choice if 45* spends a night in jail or doesn’t die before all the lawsuits play out in courts.

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