Discussion: New Data Shows Republicans' Health Care Self-Own Is Taking Its Toll

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Republican voters may have been more susceptible to President Trump and GOP lawmakers’ rhetoric declaring the ACA “dead” and “imploding,” releasing official government videos blasting Obamacare, and falsely asserting that the individual mandate penalty has already been abolished when it in fact is in effect through 2018.

Fake news catches up with them
At least they’re consistent


And this years winner of the Darwin Award-The entire GOP!

Stand up and take a bow (so your constituents can get a bead on you…)


An interesting work-around in Texas is that if you are enrolled in even one inexpensive class at a community college you can buy for yourself and family a very good, low-cost, blue cross student health insurance policy. I know people doing this and it’s been a life saver.

Lots of self employed people, even solo practice lawyers, do this. So, ironically, the insurance reality in Texas includes a popular, affordable, middle class, government-affiliated, health care plan.


Republicans don’t believe in data, Trump voters believe whatever “reality” Trump tells them as long as there is some racist or sexist angle to it.

So, the attempts to hurt democratic areas and urban (read:browner) is all the cover Trump needs to convince his base that he has white people"s back and is sticking it to the folks who gave us Obama for president.

Reality of their own poor situation will be blamed on Obama, regardless of these new policies being repeal of a law that would help them if their racist state government had simply tried to “promote the general welfare” of it’s people by expanding Medicaid.


True, but only 5hinking people notice. So Trumps base will not.


It may take awhile, but eventually high rates of uninsured individuals will raise the health care costs in those areas forcing hospitals to increase the rates charged to those with coverage. It could also lead to hospital closures due to bankruptcy. This is especially a concern for smaller, rural facilities. Lack of health insurance coverage = higher costs for everyone.


semi on or off topic, but Kansas City Harley workers who voted for dotard got totally pwned:

Harley-Davidson took its tax cut, closed a factory, and rewarded shareholders
The motorcycle maker in January told Kansas City workers it would close a plant there. Days later, it announced a nearly $700 million stock buyback plan.

Can’t wait to see the interviews with displaced workers who still can’t connect the dots between voting for tRump and losing their jobs.


It’s not as if this will cost Trump any votes.

After all, if Obama hadn’t been so busy apologizing for America after the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor, none of this would have happened.


The messaging to the red states has to be that the pain is self-inflicted, and it’s time for a change.

Coal jobs versus home improvements for conservation
Tax cuts versus gas prices
Deteriorating roads versus a border wall


I’d like to see Pelosi et. al. visit the displaced workers and just chew the shit out of them. Stop molly coddling the dipshits and let them have it. "You fucking brought this destruction on yourselves asswipes. You starting to believe us that Republicans want you dead now that your job was shipped over seas while the one-percenters you voted into office party on your grave and you’re having to eat government cheese to survive? "

Nahhhhhhhhhh - they’ll stick with “Democrats - try not hating us”

I used to work for a formerly great tech company known for hilariously bad marketing; we used to self-pwn by saying if we sold sushi we’d market it as cold, dead, raw fish.


So this means that Repugs, at least the poorer ones, won’t live as long Dems. That might be a long term solution to this country’s political problems


This demonstrates the power of right wing (white wing?) propaganda. Here we have MAGA voters hurting themselves because they have been told repeatedly that only black and brown people benefit from “welfare.” .

I am not sure Republicans save much money hurting their voters. People still get sick and still have to be treated. Emergency rooms are the most expensive places to receive care. It is much cheaper to put the working poor on medicaid than it is to let them go bare.


I’d like to see Pelosi et. al. visit the displaced workers and discuss how GOP policies have failed them, and how better policies could improve their lives. Like health care, conservation and clean energy installation and other jobs, etc. Get them to admit that Trump was a mistake, but they can do better this next time around.


I think this topic was covered in Strangers in Their Own Land in that poor whites say that when they get gov’t benefits it’s because they need it but the dark skin folks use it because they’re lazy.



It probably would have been worthwhile to include the exit polling from every general/special election that has happened since the GOP tried their last “Repeal and Replace” nonsense.

The #1 concern for all voters is healthcare, regardless of party affiliation.

I would also have added the fact that insurance premiums are set for a huge spike in October…a month before the General Election.

Baiting republican candidates into talking about even more steps to “Repeal!” should be child’s play, while presenting actual policies to strengthen healthcare coverage.


If a well governed state wanted a good waiver, they should self-insure all their state and local government employees through their Medicaid program.Cut the insurance company out of the loop, and shore up their MA program with the premium dollars of several hundred thousand people who are healthy enough to work.


The likely double-digit increases in health insurance premiums from all this sabotage are going to show up right before the midterms. Republicans are in denial if they think they will be able to blame those on Obama/Democrats. Ironically, this was all very predictable if you spent one second outside the right-wing echo chamber.


Omg, as a political statement, that’s funny. What’s not funny is that it’s true, the R’s goal is for poor people to die.


At some point choosing not to have health insurance (or at least saying so) will be a Republican badge of honor.