Discussion: New Analysis: Trump Could Sweep Toss Up States And Still Lose The Election

If Trump loses the election he’ll just have to call the police and have them retrieve his stolen property and return it to him.

There are toss-up states?

Yeah…the one thing I never see brought up when these stories about his lackluster (non existent) ground games come out…

…these rallies are the same damn people showing up, not new people. Its like a really twisted version of Dead Heads following him around to go to every show.


I read a journalist’s account over the weekend of a Trump rally. Trump bitches about his events being unfairly covered, especially the size of the crowds being underreported. At this event, in a 10,000 seat arena, Trump praised the size of the crowd and announced there were probably 2000 waiting outside with no room for them to come in, making the point enthusiasm for his appearances outstrips the capacity of venues to handle his rallies. However, as is the case reported by many journalists and observers attending many Trump events, at this rally the journo estimated at least a couple more thousand people could have been seated, it was far from capacity filled. Who knows if there were really people outside clamoring to get in, but if there were why the empty seats in the arena? Trump knows the only important message that will carry the day on rally reporting is what he looks into the camera and says. He’ll announce some crowd has set a record for some venue that is half full. I’ve seen it.


More support for the bitter, bitter tears of the MSM Beltway cocktail weenie sucking asshats, who’d already pre-written all the stories they were going to publish this month giving Hillary the Gore Treatment and take the Dog Days off.

Heard them on the Diane Rehm Beltway CW Circle Jerk show this morning on The Liberal NPR. It was a foregone conclusion to all of them that two emails from CGI staff to State staff trying to network for a job aspirant and accomplish the otherwise impossible and unheard of task of getting a billionaire in to see an ambassador were proof, proof I say, of how those nefarious Clintons operate as if “The Rules” don’t apply to them and this is why no one trusts her. Never mind that there’s no evidence that Bill or Hillary were aware or involved. Never mind that the State staffers politely blew off both entreaties. Never mind that if this had been staffers at the Ford Foundation or The Aspen Institute sending the exact same emails to Kerry’s staffers, no one would have blinked. No, this is those goddamned evil Clintons Playing By Their Own Rules, and if not for Trump mucking things up, that’s all we’d be hearing.

It was the unironic and apparently entirely sincere assertion that it was Bill and Hillary applying a special set of rules to themselves that almost caused me to gouge my radio out of the console with my fingernails and hurl it out of the window into the middle of the Interstate.


Billionaires and campaign contributors are routinely appointed by Presidents as Ambassadors to countres they’ve never visited, never heard of and couldn’t find on a map. Someone, somewhere made a phone call or sent an e-mail that got the ball rolling on that appointment, it didn’t get birthed from nothing. The GOP makes noise about this stuff realizing the public has no fricking idea how the sausage is made. That the media enables and spreads it makes them worse than the idiots lapping it up and believing it’s a scandal.


He bought into Ann Coulter theory of just get out the white vote and you can win. Ann said that if only more whites came out for Mitt he would have won. Guess her theory is proving wrong again.


Perhaps we’ve read him wrong.
Perhaps the whining about voter fraud was really a dog-whistle to his followers?

Perhaps when he says “People can vote ten times!!”

It wasn’t a lamentation.

It was a suggestion?

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The USGS is reporting unusual seismic tremors in New York City, which suggests a pending collapse of the earth’s mantle.
Epicenter is the Tower of Mordor, aka Drumpf Tower.

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So this is when the GOP decides that it’s time to get rid of the Electoral College and go with the popular vote instead?

(Okay, the White Male Popular vote plus 3/5 of a vote for everyone else)

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Report from My home state (IL). Yesterday, approx. 550 people came to the Hillary organizing meeting at the big Plumber’s Hall. They had to hold two separate meetings to accommodate everyone. The main message? Take nothing for granted, and work your tail off. That’s the key to turning these poll numbers into reality.


Trump would have had that 550 show up and admitted, along with 4,000 standing outside the building wanting to get in. Sad!

“Much of what (Trump) has said over the last month has only aggravated what would have already been a very difficult challenge,” Cook wrote.

If he is a secret agent for Putin, he really sucks at it.

All aboard Trump Airlines!

Ah…but no one is counting the Russian Federal Subjects. Surely, there are votes for him in those territories. All they need to do is hack those into the voting totals. Easy!

I’m sure Manafort’s on it.

Please excuse me, but Mr. Cook, while truly acclaimed, is not non-partisan.

He is a Louisiana republican. (to the best of my knowlege.)

Careful, Davey. I made that point recently, and all the old hippies came out to shame me.

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Lots of analysis that never takes fully into account the other side of the coin. Trump could get absolutely wiped off the map in the race and should for every insult, threat, obnoxious and foul mothed thing that he has said just during this campaign be taken for what it is.
Then there are his disgusting business practices going back decades, the legal matters piling up, the blatant misogyny and rampant racism.

He isn’t under-prepared, he hasn’t even begun to prepare and it’s because he is truly incapable of understanding or doing anything with the info. He’s incompetent.

Most analysts blow off all of the detractors and just graciously hand Trump the undue credit and assume that none of the negative’s, or most at least, are hurting him.

Well I call bullshit. It’s all hurting him and the numbers prove it. Denial is just denial, the facts are the facts. Trump has created a solid reasoning for not voting for him, way beyond common partisanship.

He may squeak out a state or two that isn’t expected, because crazy politics, but he’ll lose many that he shouldn’t because divided nation. He’s the reason why and there is no other.
Trump is ruining Trump, whether that is seen in terms of a landslide or just a thorough thrashing doesn’t matter that much.
If he keeps it up, he surely can guarantee massive landslide numbers. I know he’s got it in him, please proceed Donald.

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The only reason that happens, is because he is…valleying(? opposite of peaking) so early. There is a good chance that in 3 months, people will normalize his incompetence and start to discount it. Or the “Wow, this is just too much. Nobody can be that insane and incompetent can they? It must be the press” type thinking will start kicking in.

The counter to, at least the first, is Trump doesn’t just keep making really stupid and bad new statements, he tends to escalate both the stupidity and the badness each time. I mean, trying to rip off veterans organizations with a fake fund raiser seems rather quaint now, compared to where he is and what he has done in the past two week. When that story broke, it had everybody up in arms.

I’m trying to make those two work together but don’t actually see them as opposites. If he peaks, at whatever, he is the best or worst of something, if he valleys, that is the opposite.
What you are saying is that his piss ignorance becomes normalized, which I agree with but that isn’t exactly the opposite of peaking.
#1, his peaks aren’t all that high and his valleys are still seeking the low.
#2, accepting slowly that his piggishness is normal is something all together different than him hitting lows.
#3, it has already begun, only considering the not crazy side of the equation, the majority, the majority that makes it all work, has already come to conclusions and made realizations, like, this Republican candidate is a flaming nutbag and sleazebag

I’m agreeing that he valleys, in other words-to me, he finds new lows and seems to seek them.
I’m just not seeing his weird ass style as being the opposite of peaking. He lowers the bar which was low for the whole Party and basically at ground level for him upon entering the race but peaking and being an acceptable dumbass aren’t really opposites.

Not like it really matters though, nuance means diddly, this dude sucks in traditional and new ways, not yet understood by modern man or caught up to by science or the medical community : )