Great idea, Michele - you go first. Give us a live demo.
I double dog dare ya.
Can you run away from cops if you are black, 12 years old, and holding a toy gun?
‘she was somebody’s baby, once’
Trump: I think I have found my running mate.
FOX: I think we have a host for our new show, Guns with Granny.
Didn’t her late lamented hero, idiot finicum try this very thing? As I recall it didn’t work out so well.
Sharron Angle thought the same thing when she beat Harry Reid for his senate seat…oh wait, she didn’t, did she? In fact, I believe she went and blew a sure thing because of kooky shit JUST LIKE THIS.
This is an EXTREMELY foolish statement. Angle tried it, and the apologists at Waco for the Burnin’ Nuts tried it too. Take my word for it. I was raised in a law enforcement family and the rule is, if you bring up ANYTHING that looks like a gun in front of a cop and start to point it in their direction, you get your brains blown out. No ifs ands or buts.
@kfraz63 you mean a live fire demo, amirite?
I STRONGLY encourage tea partiers to test this theory out. Repeatedly.
Spoken like a true amateur. I love to hear these people tell us what they would do in a life threatening situation. In all probability she would pee her panties, and shake her dentures loose if someone pointed a loaded gun at her.
Is this dunce for real?
I think you’ve dyed your hair, once too many times. The chemicals are starting to be absorbed and short circuiting the few brain cells you have left.
… however you may find out they will then also pull the trigger first.
Well I’m sure all those conservative law and order types and Fox News blowhards who immediately rush to defend the police in Ferguson and every other place where unarmed black men are gunned down in the street will rush to condemn this cra…haha just shitting you.
That is a good way to end up dead. My advice in the same situation would be to surrender to the cops and work it out in court.
I think the gun loving tea bags need to try this en masse!
Will local law enforcement endorse her in her next campaign?
It’s time for a remake of Watermelon Man, only this time a bigoted Nevada Assemblywoman wakes up and discovered she has become Black.
Fiore: I would, however, think twice if a fetus points the gun at me. I am after all, Pro-Life.