you get your brains blown out.
She’s safe.
you get your brains blown out.
She’s safe.
I wonder if any of the law enforcement organizations might want to rethink who they are drawing their support from.
I mean this woman is advocating openly escalating an already dangerous situation. Same thing with the open-carry nonsense.
She might want to hop over to Tombstone and see what Wyatt Earp thought about people carrying guns in crowded areas…
quick draw contests. charge admission.
I have never met a single one of these jackasses who didn’t think he was Deadeye Dick with a gun. Yet the fact of the matter is, most of them are shitty shots. They’ll never admit it but they are. The reason they screamed about magazine capacity a couple of years ago is because they are such lousy shots they NEED all those bullets.
she was the baby in fiorina’s brain harvesting video.
Story in the NY Times today reports that as states start expanding rights to carry weapons and concealed weapons in more places, the cops are starting to object as the threats to their safety rise.
It has been a total mystery to me why the nation’s police haven’t already been leading a full throated assault on the idiocy of everyone has a gun and we’ll all be safe.
There are a few bad cops and they give the rest of them a bad name, but NONE of us can imagine what it is really like as a cop to make a night traffic stop on a highway or back road and walk up on a car today. Guns are so prevalent that virtually any such stop can result in chaos This is nuts and the gun nuts have put the cops in the middle of it. Again, I just can’t understand why they have not reacted much sooner and very strongly to this situation. It is lethal and they are the targets.
I would LOVE it if idiots like Fiore try pulling a gun on a cop who holds a gun on them. Michele…you are a total idiot.
When Gaby Giffords was shot, an aide had a gun and came very near to getting shot himself by a police officer who had no idea whether he was a good guy or a bad guy. And cops have to make those kinds of snap judgement calls too often because paper tiger heros with their own gunny guns fantasize they will single handedly deal with bad guys. They almost NEVER do.
Let’s see…Republican + Nevada = Idiot. She’ll be a credit to the Republican Congress.
Yeah, but tell her the guy was named Tyrone or Alejandro and she’ll be singing that cop’s praises for shooting first and asking questions later, regardless of who drew first or who did or didn’t have their hands up…
Tony Montana would be so proud:
I think it’s because most of the police are in bed together with the conservative/tea “guns, flags, and bibles” crowd under one big, warm republican quilt. Shame they can’t see the irony.
She doesn’t sound like a voice of reason in this instance, does she?
What makes me nervous about this whole thing is that I can just visualize some hothead storming into a burger joint and waving a gun around because they fucked up his order…only to run into ANOTHER hothead who sees the gun and pulls out his OWN surrogate penis and starts firing.
Knowing the general accuracy of bozos like this, I can imagine them hitting God-only-knows HOW many bystanders yet miss one another. One of them ME or my wife.
Or just do a mime routine when they tell you to move along. They love that!
(For all mime lovers: This is a clip from Reno 911 so don’t be angry!)
If you follow her logic here, it would be really easy to just murder anybody you wanted if you knew they’d draw if you shoved a gun in their face. I’m pretty sure the average trigger finger is far quicker than the act of unholstering, and you’d have your defense all locked up with their gun in their hand.
A Darwin Award nominee, this Fiore gal.
Gunstrumpet’ Fiore is one hot mess!
…and had he not shed his mortal coil, I’m sure Levoy Finicum would agree with kindred spirit Fiore. Look how well the “Fiore Maneuver” worked for him!
(For all mime lovers: This is a clip from Reno 911 so don’t be angry!)
A mime is a terrible thing to waste.
Oh no you didn’!
Ms. Fiore has just made a very strong case for law enforcement to never respond to a 911 call from her residence, her office, her car - hell, anywhere she or her klan happens to be.
And if you’re white they probably won’t shoot back until you actually shoot at them a few time. If you’re black, just accept that they will shoot at you if they even think you have a gun or even if they know you don’t, but just decide they want to.
Fiore’s IQ reaches Genius level among conservatives. She is pro-Bundys and anti-government (Feds) and she handed Bundys to Feds. Papa Bundy was never going to leave his ranch but did so when she goaded him to go to Oregon; he now sits in Jail.
I am sure she will be elected to US house of congress.