I’ve always read on various parts of the internet that Spacey is a known predator. I don’t know how true this is, but I’ve read it multiple times in multiple places. He was, until then, always one of my favorite actors.
how does anyone.accused by another person. prove that an event 30 yrs. ago…never happened…what would happen if one these people [accused] sued the accuser of slander.
I’d say most men have a tendency to be predators(and I’d argue it’s part due to genetic/hormonal issues w/o that being an excuse) and being in a job that gives you a lot of attention makes it even worse.
I don’t care if you’re a man or a woman, that’s a sexist comment that everyone here would be up in arms about if made about a woman.
You don’t… Spacey says he has no recollection of the incident and that’s probably true, considering the accuser ADMITTED that Spacey was really drunk at the time.
I don’t endorse his behavior, but I think this is going just a bit far around the bend. This harms everyone whose livelihood depends on this production. Talented and committed craftspeople who have committed no sin as such. Why are innocent people put to the rack to pay for the shame of a few creeps?
We tell ourselves that the sins of the father are not visited upon the son.
But this sort of decision smacks of guilt by association, which has no place in what’s right.
There are ways to work around a missing “star” on the last season of any show. Anyone who has worked in television or motion pictures can tell you at length what some of these ways are.
I don’t watch this show, but I know well what goes into its production, and many others like it.
Just stopping the show does no one any good.
But Netflix, like many other “studios” these days are run by an assortment of cowards whose first and foremost fear is always for their wallets. I can’t say I’m surprised to see them acting according to what they are. I find them exactly as vile as these predatory creeps.
Sorry a long winded reply.
I’d argue that pointing out tendencies that are probably genetic and tend to be aligned with other genetic traits is different than a sexist or racist comment that attributes tendencies specifically to another trait, believes they go hand in hand and can’t be separated.
So in my statement above It’d say that in the past menet that were aggressive were the ones that tended to succeed and produce more offspring that also had these aggressive traits. And at one time that what it took to survive and that we still tend to see in wild animals. And I believe that since humans are less wild we’ll see men not tending to be so predatory.
Similar to my “racist” comment here;
But I’d argue I don’t think being white and being racist have to go hand in hand, just that they seem to tend to and I personally think it’s due to, for lack of proper terminology, breeding that helped the white people that were mean to ward nonwhite people survive better and produce more similar offspring. Now that we don’t need to be so mean hopefully this tendency will soon be bred out. Until then if we can at least acknowledge it and try to suppress it it would make life better for all of us.
If you think most men are predators, I’d have to wonder what crowd you’re hanging out with. Sure, there’s generational and cultural institutionalized behavior that leans sexist/misogynistic and should be addressed/corrected, but to say that the vast majority of men are predators is a sweeping overstatement.
Can’t they just kill him off and let Claire be president??
Predators is probably not the right word. For lack for a better term, most men think with their little head.
How’s that? Luckily most of us have enough control not do follow it, but we still have those thought and sometime we act on them. And of course drinking, which it seems like Spacey may have claimed was also and issue, makes this tendency worse. Still not an excuse, but alcohol among other things, does reduce judgement.
Netflix ripped this series off from a BBC series from the 90s. Had they followed the storyline to its conclusion, Spacey’s role can end without necessarily cancelling the series should they choose to continue.
I am very disappointed to hear this predatory story about Spacey, especially involving a child, because I’ve loved his body of work. Felt the same about Cosby because I grew up listening to his albums with my family.
Now, about child rape, let’s resurrect the story of the 13-year-old Jane Doe, Jeffrey Epstein and this so-called president Tramp. Ms. Doe was threatened and intimidated into withdrawing her lawsuit but the story remains the same. Hell, let’s void all of the NDA’s and allow each woman victimized by Tramp to come forward and tell her story.
While we’re at it, let’s see if we can find out why Tiffany recoils from his touch…
[quote=“dickweed, post:11, topic:64458”]
most men think with their little head
True enough-that’s why a strong superego is so crucial: to harness the id so the id doesn’t ruin lives.
Seconded, mostly because Robin Wright is awesome
Spacey probably does not remember an incident from 30 years ago when he was drunk. We’ll see if other accusers emerge. Spacey is a public figure, and I don’t understand his long silence about his sexual orientation when rumors have been flying about him being gay for quite a while. For at least the last several years, coming out would have affected his career little or not at all. He’s an actor, after all. He can play straight or gay.
I, for one, think that we can take the allegations seriously while still giving Spacey the benefit of the doubt. A single accusation of something that happened 30 years ago can not be treated as iron-clad proof that the man is scum.
Also making an overly vigorous pass at someone when your really drunk is a little different than threatening to guarantee that the victim will never work in a given business again as did Weinstein.
“…when your really drunk is a little different”
Unwanted advances are never permitted, and drunkenness is never an excuse.
He said “tendency” to be predators - that’s different. And it’s just an opinion - not a statement of fact.
I hope what Spacey is accused of is not true, but I agree that it’s impossible to prove and think it shouldn’t be taken at face value. It’s ridiculous for a career to be ruined over one 30 year old unprovable accusation.
I didn’t say it was an excuse. You did.
It’s just that there is such a thing as scale, and a history of trying to hurt people and their careers to exert your own power.
A farmers pond and the Pacific Ocean have things in common. They are not the same.