Discussion: Netanyahu: Israel Is The State Of 'Jewish People Alone'

The problem with the two-state proposition is that, clearly, neither Palestine nor Israel really want the other to exist. Both want to claim all of the territory for themselves. Both have been very bad actors, but one has the clear position of power, and at least insisted that it has the higher standards, even when it doesn’t follow those ideals. What is the solution? I don’t know that there is one.

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Hmm how do you explain this?
When the hell will someone in this government tell the public that Israel is a country of all its citizens,” Sela wrote on Instagram.

Netanyahu responded: Israel “is the national state, not of all its citizens, but only of the Jewish people.

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It could not be more clear. How can anyone still have denial that the right wing in Israel has evil intentions. We should not support and enable any apartheid state. It’s not real if we can’t speak truth to our friends.


Why do you claim such a false non-equivalency?

Both are unacceptable. And real.


I am sure that all those condemning anti-semitism will now demand a retraction from Netanyahu…

But saying that Israel is an apartheid state is such a gross exageration only an anti-semite could say.


Netanyahu: Israel Is The State Of ‘Jewish People Alone’

If non-Jewish people are allowed to vote, then his statement is blatantly false, blatantly bigoted, and is intended as raw meat to his far right supporters. Yes, it’s a dog whistle, but one doesn’t have to go very far from this statement to one of a policy of apartheid.

I understand why Israel has walls. I also understand that walls are a response to bad behavior. I also understand that those walls also reinforce bad behavior. This is a problem that is multiple millennia old, and I don’t know how one fixes this without promoting and producing more effort than societies are willing to support.

I don’t mean to offend, and if my words have done so, then please accept my apologies in advance.


I misread the term as “eliminationalism” - corrected my read - and realized… the misread is also fitting.

I see most Arabic peoples as Semitic peoples.


I know, besides arabs, ethiopians and arameans are semitic as well. But the the word has been hijacked to mean anti-jewish


Oh, the irony. “Juden uber alles!”


Don’t let the disguise fool you – that’s just taxation without representation.


The Crusade, man. Remember the Crusade! We’re a Christian nation in a Crusade against the Evil Empire of Islam. Israel is our ally in that Crusade.


That’s anti-Semitic.

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The word antisemitic has been hijacked to mean “critique of Israel”.


Making people vomit on their keyboards is NOT NICE.


I don’t – I said that it is a dog whistle.

And if you are arguing about “dog whistle” versus open denial of the rights of Arab citizens of Israel then read the full quote: technically, he did say that Arab citizens have the same rights. But I do not care about distinctions between a dog whistle and an open racism: dog whistles are open racism and I am disgusted.

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Rodney King said it best.


This is what Liz Cheney said on CNN this morning.

“The important thing for us to be focused on and to remember, the Democrats have been in charge for about 2 1/2 months in the House, and in that time, they’ve been the party of anti-Semitism, the party of infanticide, the party of socialism. They’ve passed legislation that’s violated the first amendment, the second amendment,” she said. “It’s really time for the Democrats, the leadership in that party, to stop it, to stand up and to act worthy, frankly, of the trust the American people have in them. It’s crucial for the nation.”

Chuck Todd did not challenge her or have a Democrat on for rebuttal. After she was done spewing her lies, Chuck then compared Omar to Steve King.
Omar criticized Israel and their lobbying. She also criticized ALL Congress critters who seem to have a loyalty to Israel and Netanyahu , she did not single out Jewish Congress people. Tom Cotton and many Republicans put Israel’s interests over ours on the Iran nuclear deal. They invited Netanyahu to speak against our sitting president. They sided with him over their own president. Most of the 47 Republicans who signed the letter against the Iran deal were not Jewish. That said, they did put Israel’s interests on that matter over those of our country and president. Tom Cotton received a boatload of money for his re-election afterwards.

Senator Tom Cotton, a Republican from Arkansas received nearly $1 million from the Emergency Committee for Israel after signing the letter

Think she has a point?


What is the acceptable, non-dog whistle way to say that AIPAC may have too much influence on our own policies?