Discussion: Netanyahu: Israel Is The State Of 'Jewish People Alone'

Yeah, the GOP claims that opposing Israel’s policies is anti-Semitic. This is just more bigotry on the part of the GOP.

And of course hating Muslims, etc. is not anti-Semitic. That’s more GOP bigotry.

Ignorance is truth for the GOP Haters.


Oppose specific US and Israeli policies and don’t engage in negative generalizations?

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My bet is that you won’t get away with that either. (And for the record, I think that lobbyists and so-called think tanks in general have way too much influence on our policies, of all kinds. AIPAC is just another example, and a particularly successful one.)

@mondfledermaus @georgemilquetoast

The words “anti-Semitic” and “anti-Semitism” were first publicly used by a German journalist Wilhelm Marr around 1879 who specifically used them to denote opposition to and hatred of Jews. These words were never used to mean general hatred of semitic people, just hatred of Jews.


You may be right but we should still not surrender to the GOP bigotry.


And that is what is concerning. I hope I am wrong, but it seems the fix is in.

As to the coming election, Bibi has held on to power far longer than should be possible if he didn’t have maximal support in Israel.

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Could you please clarify? What is “the GOP bigotry” in this case?

You may want to learn from Rep. Omar herself.
Omar, in her initial apology:

[quote]“At the same time, I reaffirm the problematic role of lobbyists in our
politics, whether it be AIPAC, the NRA or the fossil fuel industry. It’s
gone on too long and we must be willing to address it.”[/quote]
This is an acceptable, non-dog whisle way of criticising the undue influence of AIPAC (and other lobbies which contribute to politicians way more than AIPAC supporters do).

One could also criticize specific policies promoted by AIPAC and/or Israel. There are many ways of doing so.


In my business, I work with PhDs from all over the world. That includes Israel and Gaza, without issues. But salaries and personal comfort go a long way towards making life acceptable. I’m pretty certain that if those folks were working from their birth-land, their attitudes towards each other might be a little different.

At some point, the difference is indistinguishable. It’s been apparent for decades that Israel prefers that there not be any deal allowing Palestinians a separate state. That is quite clear. There are more Israeli fatalities in Tel Aviv traffic accidents than at the hands of Palestinians. Israel considers such deaths as mere collateral damage to the goal of achieving Eretz Israel.

And the problem is that the average Israeli citizen has become more extreme. Genocide of their captives is openly discussed. The Palestinians can do nothing except to continue to withstand imprisonment, starvation, theft of land and resources, and imprisonment. It is quite clear that the only way that the Palestinians can satisfy Israel is to disappear.


No his statement was as stated , what you wrote was his response to criticism to his original statement.
I believe this is the article you refer to.


So your solution is that we cannot criticize AIPAC specifically. We can only do so if we cobble it together with a bunch of other criticisms of other groups? But it would be okay too condemn, specifically, the building of settlements in the territories, or other actions that Carter mentions in his book? Again, I bet that any such attempts will get pretty much the same push back.

I believe I did earlier. Do you have any specific questions or comments about what I wrote?

Any anti-Semitism is bigotry if is is directed at any Semitic group.

Wonder if the Democratic leadership is going to prepare another resolution?

Thanks for the explanation. I always wondered how the definition bifurcated from the literal.


Interestingly enough, I started reading this book a week ago:

It’s a real eye opener on Israel. I can’t read more than ten pages at a time before setting it aside out of disgust. I doubt I will finish it. Too depressing.

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Netanyahu is siding with RW ideologues in Israel and the US. In my lifetime there has never been such push back against Israel. They should be paying attention, this does not bode well for them.


Who would have thought in our lifetime there would be an Israeli PM who sounded like George Wallace and Bull Connor?
General George Marshall actually warned Truman from recognizing the state of Israel. He thought the decision was based primarily on US domestic concerns plus it would undermine a two state solution and national security.


Anti-Semitism is bigotry, and as such is a bad thing. No disagreement there. Criticizing the influence of AIPAC does not strike me as inherently Anti-Semitic since it hardly speaks for all Jewish peoples.

