ha ha ha ha
and Romney also laughed about his son running for Utah Guv.
Cooper’s veto message said that the bill would “criminalize” a practice “that simply does not exist.” He said it was “needless,” because other laws exist protecting newborns, and that it was an “interference between doctors and their patients.”
This Roy Cooper is not a coward.
There’s a few decent white guys in NC!
Nice. Baby steps NC, baby steps. Keep fighting the good fight!
They will be thrilled with your grudging approval no doubt.
Republican: The party of small government, local control and personal responsibility*
*Offer not valid for uteruses, guns or gays
This particular one could probably use some moral support:
Governor Roy Cooper
20301 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-0301
You can also call (919) 814-2000 – but I sent a letter instead.
What was the vote tally?
And, if I know them, and I do, most of the Republicans in the General Assembly are enormously relieved because they got to preserve this as an election issue among the SBC zealot base without actually having to pay the price of the backlash that would have happened if they’d succeeded. Don’t think for a minute they see this as a failure because they have a higher cynicism to true believer ratio here than you’ll find in the deep red south.
This is what it means to take back the State Legislatures. We can rid ourselves of pols that by hook and by crook got put in those legislatures to form those supermajorities through intentionally drawn gerrymandered districts. The time for ending this corrupt practice is long overdue, and passing these ridiculous laws like this one, that people never asked for and really don’t want, will hopefully come to an end. Not only will it prevent asinine laws to be passed, but it will save millions of dollars of taxpayer money in those States by not having to litigate these stupid cases in court for their unconstitutional goal of stripping rights of citizens from those states.
OT: Watching this video reminds me that, in 2012, I used the word clueless to describe many members of the Romney family. Now, however, the Trump family members have brought the description “clueless” to a new level - which includes malignant offensiveness and arrogant stupidity.
The Dems in NC are fighting their way back one step at a time. NC is a prime example of what the Repukes will do when they have total power. None of this would have happened if the worthless slugs who could not bother themselves to vote in the 2010 elections had voted. It is going to take at least another decade from now to repair most of the damages they have done. Cooper is a very smart and tenacious fighter and I would like to see him on the national scene but not until he has some more time as NC governor.
Another name to mention in NC politics is Terry van Duyn. She is an excellent state senator from my district and is running for Lt. Gov. She is another tough, smart and tenacious Dem who is for all the right things (IMHO). Keep an eye on her if she wins the Lt Gov. post, she has a lot of potential. I would like to see her in the governor’s seat or in the US Senate.
I will never understand how forcing unwanted children into the world became a conservative value
This is what voting by citizens looks like…
We can not depend on many judges because of mcturd and dtumpf…
Thank you NC pattiots…
I voted for him but he’s on his own after that. He knows what to do and does it.
I am.
Because it’s not about the children. It’s about control over women’s bodies.
The Senate voted to over-ride some weeks ago. Without the one Democratic defection, that attempt to over-ride would have failed.
The vote this week was in the House, wherein there are 65 Republicans and 55 Democrats. 72 votes were needed to over-ride; only 67 were obtained. (When the bill passed the House in April, four House Democrats voted for it.)
Don’t like abortions? Don’t have one.