“Today is a great day for democracy in North Carolina,” he said, according to the News and Observer. “We believe this will help us to conclude the process in a very short amount of time.
We will have yet another opportunity to fix the election that we thought the voter ID laws and closing of the polling places in those “other” neighborhoods would take care of ”
I mean it’s not like we didn’t try and we couldn’t have imagined that the noxious McCrory who has cost the State billions in revenue would inspire people to actually vote against him.
Can McCrory steal more than 10,000 votes out of 90,000? Doesn’t seem likely, unless the Republicans have brought some of the old Daley Machine operatives (the first Mayor Daley) out of the graveyards in Chicago to help.
He’s hoping for any irregularity at at all to discredit the whole process. It’s the new favorite tool for ensuring election chaos.
I blame all this on the rise of the insipid video reviews that are sucking the air out of every sport that I used to love watching.
Scalia: A democracy doesnt allow recounting. We simply install someone we like as the winner.
Meh. I serve as an election official at the polls in Virginia. Fairfax County uses optical scan ballots, where the little circles are filled in and then inserted into and read by the scanner. It’s incredibly efficient and, if there’s ever a problem, they can be re-read (i.e., recounted) by centrally located scanners.
The article says that the Durham Board agreed to “machine read” ballots that had to be counted by hand due to a machine malfunction on election night. I can’t see how that would be a problem for anyone. If the goal of the exercise is accuracy, the machine readers are almost certainly more accurate than hand counting late at night after a full day working on the election.
Go for it.
If Dallas Woodhouse says “today is a great day for democracy in North Carolina”, I’m inclined to think it might not be.
Kind of Like any organization that uses “Freedom” “Family” “American” or “Justice” in it’s title .
It usually portends to none of the above or the exact opposite
Dallas Woodhouse is a boil on the ass of North Carolina.
Let’s see if they keep their word after the ballots are re-scanned.
There’s an error in the story. The ballots were scanned at the polling sites but the data would not upload for whatever reason. The elections people then hand entered the TOTALS into whatever reporting system they were using. They did not do a hand count of the ballots originally.
Any Democratic vote in NC is deemed to be an “irregularity” in McCory’s mind. Face, it Governor, you lost.
I can only imagine that the concession speech will be an hour-long meltdown as he rambles on about gravy and how Dems don’t appreciate him enough.
Don’t object to a recount but why only one locale? Why not make him pay for it like Jill Stein is doing … why is this on the public dime? If it’s done do it state-wide. What absolute and irretrievable SCUM.
The error was in allowing people that have obviously done vote rigging and manipulating data (Husted in OH, et al) get away with it unscathed. Their lives must be made a living hell. Pay for smear campaigns, make it obvious this kind of activity makes you a target. Play like the stakes are high, because they are.
Future news item:
Child pornography charges against former governor Pat McCrory were dropped yesterday when investigators determined that the pictures McCrory texted to Governor Roy Cooper were of McCrory’s own adult penis, and not those of a young boy.
I wonder how it feels to be the only RepubliCON to lose in this election… not to worry though, McCrory will be the new Drumpf administration head of transgender rights.
If I were the NC Democrats, I’d demand the ballots be recounted both by hand and machine. It’s much more likely that the machine will be “fixed” to show a Republican victory than that the hand count was “fixed” the other way.
And here is today’s history trivia: As to Chicago and Mayor Daley, that’s a colorful fable about Chicago, but it’s not true. Historically, it has always been Republican vote theft downstate that has swung elections. In 1960, Nixon seeking to overturn the election sent his operatives to Illinois to demand a recount. But his operatives met open hostility from the state’s Republican bosses who bluntly told Nixon’s guys not to go there. Republican vote theft was well known in the state and had been employed just two years prior to the 1960 presidential race to “re-elect” the totallly corrupt Republican governor, Stratton.
Don’t forget that North Carolina law also allows for the legislature to overturn the result of a disputed election. It would be quite a reach (to say the least!) given the margin here, but it is at least possible. That may be McCrory’s play here – build so much skepticism over the integrity of the result that the legislature steps in.
Yep. Cast doubt on the electoral process so people no longer have confidence in their government. Good move, Republicans!
It’s like the guy who sees he’s losing a chess game, so he decides to upend the board and accuse his opponent of cheating. It makes him look petty and stupid, and he still loses.
It means the GOP has done everything they can to steal the election.