Discussion: Nat Geo Magazine Going For-Profit With Fox Partnership

Discussion for article #240276

I look forward to the inevitable Nat Geo documentary on the fallacy of global warming/climate change. Footage of polar bears and penguins sunning themselves on a warm, sandy beach. Happy island natives proclaiming having the shoreline in their living room means a shorter walk for a swim. Should make for interesting television.


But will they still show aboriginal boobs?


And thus ends any and all hope of National Geographic ever returning to the quality of its former years.

Another great institution flushed down the Murdoch shit-hole. Say hello to the Wall Street Journal while you’re down there, NatGeo.


So now, when giggling little boys pull out a Nat Geo to look at the boobies, they’ll be treated to captions under the pictures such as “This woman is a savage, as evidenced by her complete lack of shame and modesty.”

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Ha…beat me to it…I have to wonder if the Nat Geo boobies are a right of passage for Amurikan boys lol

Those of a certain age (before the internet began giving it away).


I think the increasing availability of porn, starting with video in the eighties and becoming ubiquitous with the rise of the internet from the nineties through the present, has made NatGeo’s topless natives sadly archaic.

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Their concern for Global Warming will wane…They’ve been really good with that until now.


Time to cancel my subscription! I will NOT contribute one penny to ANY fox publication EVER!


Be right back, gotta go cancel my Nat Geo subscription.

True enough haha

Another favorite giggle inducer when me and my brother were little was the underwear section of the Sears catalogue hahaha…aaaah, growing up in the 80’s…

Well, living in grass huts also made them seem archaic.

Good lingerie is even better than naked.

Jared Fogle begs to differ, the lingerie offerings for ten year old girls are limited.

I look forward to the lavishly-illustrated article about the Creation Museum, complete with cutaway illustrations, Biblical timelines, and Jesus on a T-Rex on the cover.

Jesus, what’s wrong with these fools at Nat Geo? They must have been fucking desperate.

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Yes, as well as the boobs of many other groups, including Caucasian, to appeal to the Fox demographic audience.

This is truly depressing news. Very sad for a publication that’s been around for a very long time with a very stellar history of accomplishment. I had a National Geographic subscription for years and years, since I was a little kid, and I still have all my old magazines stacked in my basement because I can’t find myself giving them away or destroying their great articles and incredible photos. I learned about the world around me from those magazines…worlds I would never ever be privileged to see in person or experience, by some of their amazing award winning writers and photo-journalists. This is a very sad day indeed.

Faux will destroy this great institution as they have so much that was once good and great in this country. Aw shit!! I can’t even joke about this one…They already had their claws into the the Nat. Geo. cable TV channel, but this is a bridge too far.


You are not alone.

Nah, just looking to cash out big-time on “what they built”.